Sunday, January 26, 2020

How E Commerce Is Changing Consumer Buying Behaviour Marketing Essay

How E Commerce Is Changing Consumer Buying Behaviour Marketing Essay In Electronic Commerce, online purchasing is the process consumers go through when they decide to shop on the internet. Therefore, the internet has developed to a highly competitive market, where the competition over the consumer is fierce. In order to have an impact on and retain consumers, in a competitive market, Constantinides (2004) stated that the first step is to identify certain influencing aspects when purchasing online, these can be regarded as factors. The purpose of the research is primarily to identify and get insight into what main factors the online consumer takes into consideration when purchasing books online, as books are the most commonly bought product on the internet (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Online-Forschung e.V. [AGOF e.V.], 2007). Concise Review of the Related Literature This research suggests that consumers attitude toward Internet shopping first depends on the direct effects of relevant online shopping features (Davis, 1993). The core constructs of our framework are adapted from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by Davis (1989), an influential research model in the information systems field. Although this model is specifically tailored to understand the adoption of computer-based technologies on the job or in the workplace, it has proven to be suitable as a theoretical foundation for the adoption of e-commerce as well (Chen et al., 2002). Therefore, the TAM structures are employed as a foundation for our research framework. Online shopping features can be either consumers perceptions of functional and utilitarian dimensions, like ease of use and usefulness, or their perceptions of emotional and hedonic dimensions like enjoyment (Menon and Kahn, 2002). The internet has developed into a new distribution channel (Hollensen, 2004) and the evolution of this channel, e-commerce, has been identified by Smith and Rupp (2003) to be the most significant contribution of the information revolution. The number of internet users is constantly increasing which also signifies that online purchasing is increasing (Joines, et al., 2003). The rapid increase is explained by the growth in the use of broadband technology combined with a change in consumer behaviour (Oppenheim Ward, 2006). Using the internet to shop online has become one of the primary reasons to use the internet, combined with searching for products and finding information about them (Joines et al., 2003). Smith and Rupp (2003) also state that the consumers have never had access to so many suppliers and product/service opinions. By integrating Fishbeins attitudinal theoretical model (Fishbein 1967) and the expectation-confirmation model (Oliver 1980), we attempt to associate the three elements together and form a base model Model of Intention, Adoption, and Continuance (MIAC) (as depicted in Figure 2) for the development of an online consumer behaviour framework. (Purpose) (Implementation) (Persistence) Consumer Online Purchase Consumer Online Repurchase Consumer Online Purchase Intention Figure 2: Model of Purpose, Implementation, and Persistence Fishbeins attitudinal model has been widely used in the marketing context (Lilien et al 1992) and this paradigm provides researchers with a useful lens for examining the factors explaining consumer purchasing intention and adoption. According to this model, behaviour is predominantly determined by intention. Other factors like attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control are also shown to be related to an appropriate set of salient behavioural, normative, and control beliefs about the behaviour. However, Fishbeins model stops at the adoption level and does not capture other important factors that explain and predict consumer continuance behaviour (repurchase). The expectation-confirmation model (Oliver 1980), on the other hand, focuses on the post-purchase behaviour. It is a widely used model in the consumer behaviour literature, particularly in explaining consumer satisfaction and repeat purchase. Satisfaction is the central notion of this model and it is formed by the gap between expectation and perceived performance (Oliver 1980). The expectation-confirmation theory suggests that if the perceived performance meets ones expectation, confirmation is formed and consumers are satisfied. Bhattacherjee (2001) stated that satisfied users are more likely to continue the IS use. Thus, we point that adoption and continuance are connected to each other through several mediating and moderating factors such as trust and satisfaction. The research articles appear in a variety of journals and conference proceedings in the fields of information systems, marketing, management, and psychology. A review of these articles indicates that researchers mostly draw theories from classical consumer behaviour research, such as behavioural learning (Skinner, 1938), personality research (Folkes 1988), information processing (Bettman 1979), and attitude models (Fishbein 1967). There are still significant differences between offline and online consumer behaviour that warrant a distinguishing conceptualization. For example, Vijayasarathy (2001) integrated the web specific factors (online shopping aid) into the theory of reasoned action (TRA) to better explain consumer online shopping behaviour. Song and Zahedi (2001) built on the model of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and examined the effects of website design on the adoption of Internet shopping. Donal Rogan (2007) explains the relationship between consumer behaviour and marketing strategy and states that strategy is about increasing the probability and frequency of buyer behaviour. Requirements for succeeding in doing this are to know the consumer and understand the consumers needs and wants. Chisnall (1995) points out that human needs and motives are inextricably linked and that the relationship between them is so very close that it becomes difficult to identify the precise difference which may characterize them. Buyers characteristics are important theories from Kotler and Armstrong (2007) and it explains the way that the consumer interprets and receives stimuli from advertisements. The decisions of consumers are influenced by a number of individual characteristics that are linked to the consumers specific needs. (Kotler Armstrong, 2007) A review of online consumer research reveals that the scope of published studies is rather broad, the studies appear relatively fragmented with contradictory results, and only very few prior studies (e.g., Jarvenpaa and Todd 1996, Koufaris et al 2001) have attempted to systematically review and develop a framework for the research of this important research area. Aims and Objectives of Study To develop a valid and reliable measure of motivations and costs associated with online information search and purchase behaviour; To provide a systematic and exhaustive review of online consumer behaviour research; To test the ability of the measure to identify the impact that specific motivations and costs have on apparel search and purchase decisions among Internet shoppers worldwide; To identify important constructs that are specific to the context of online purchasing; to propose an integrated framework that enhances our understanding of the underlying driving factors of online consumer behaviour; To evaluate the potential of the Internet as an efficient and effective medium to disseminate information to enhance brand/product awareness, evaluations, and purchase intentions in the global marketplace; To provide directions for future research in this area. Research Questions How does the level of computer and Internet experience of the target group relate to the level of Internet purchases? What main factors affect the online consumer when considering and making a purchase over the internet? How do these factors influence the consumer when purchasing books online? What kind of segments can be found within the identified consumers when purchasing books online? What is the connection with the identified factors and consumer segment groups? A Structured Research Approach Prior literature provides us with a rich foundation on which to build a research framework for the study of online consumer behaviour. As suggested by Douglas et al. (1994), strong theoretical and conceptual frameworks can be developed through an integration of constructs from different research traditions and disciplines. In the current study, we review the prior literature of online consumer behaviour and analyze the theories and the underpinning factors. A systematic and structured approach in search and review is strongly recommended in writing sound IS literature reviews (Webster and Watson 2002). In this study, we conducted an exhaustive and systematic electronic search using ProQuest, Social Science Citation Index, IEEE Xplore, and other bibliographic sources with keywords such as online shopping, Internet shopping and online consumer purchasing behaviour. In addition to the search for referred journal articles, we included three IS-related conference proceedings (AMCIS, HICSS, ICIS) in our literature search and analysis. Research Methodology To answer the purpose of the thesis, both primary and secondary data had to be collected. Primary data is data collected especially to answer the purpose and research questions of the current research. This data must be gathered by the researcher of the research at hand and can be done by observation, interviews or questionnaires. Secondary data is data that has been collected earlier, to fulfil the purpose of some other research. This data can be gathered from books, articles, reports and many others sources. (Saunders et al., 2007) Direct Observation Observation is a research technique that is often implicit in the data-gathering approach and observation is something we cannot fail to do as people, we are all expert observers (Hackley, 2003). Furthermore, participant observation will be chosen as it puts the researcher where the action is enabling them to experience the lives of informants, one option is to observe consumers behaviour and their purchase decision in online store (Meiselman et al., 2000). An observational approach provides a clearer representation of the decision process that consumers proceed through rather than the consumers perceptions of that process (Douglas and Wind, 1978), thus providing the researcher with the ability to uncover unconscious consumer actions. Survey The greatest use of questionnaire is made by survey as strategy. However, both experiment and case studies research strategies can make use of these techniques (Oppenheim, 1992). Some authors reserve it exclusively for surveys where the person answering the question actually records their own answers and other authors use it as a more general term to inclusively for survey interview hat administered either face to face or by telephone. (Kervin 1999) In addition, questionnaire can be used as a general term to include all techniques of data collection in which each person is asked to respond to the same set of questions in a predetermined order. (DeVaus, 1996) Interview An interview is a purposeful discussion between two or more people (Kahn and Cannel 1957). The use of interviews can help to gather valid and reliable data that relevant to the research questions and objectives. Sampling Sampling techniques provides arrange of methods that enable to reduce the amount of data need to collect by considering only data from a sub groups rather than all possible cases or elements. Sampling also save times and give over view of population. Researcher Kervin (1999) argues that using sampling enables a higher overall accuracy than a census. Methods of Data Analysis During the dissertation both the quantitative and qualitative data will require analysis. In order to analyze the data collected through the survey and the focus group, several strategies were used. The aim was to give a descriptive analysis of the consumer behaviour in online shopping. The tables, charts and pie charts were interpreted as made up the foundation for the focus group discussion. The method of analysis to be followed is that proposed by Dey, Miles and Huberman: Comprehend and manage it. Merge related data drawn from different transcript and notes. Identify key themes or pattern from it for further exploration. Develop and / or test hypotheses based on these apparent patterns or relationships. Draw and verify conclusions. (Dey, 1993; Miles and Huberman, 1994) Moral Issue of Research Consumers were firstly observed without interruption, allowing their natural behaviour will be recorded. Only once they complete their actual purchase decision, the researcher will approach them. Those shoppers who will picked up a product to purchase were intercepted as they walk away from the cabinet and will be asked to answer a few short questions regarding their purchase choice. Research Timetable Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Internet Research Literature Review Research Design Methodology Data Sources Data Collection Data Analysis Writing up Draft Editing Final Document Binding Document References Arbeitsgemeinschaft Online-Forschung e.V. [AGOF e.V.], 2007. Bettman, J. R. (1979) An information Processing Theory of Consumer Choice, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley. Bhattacherjee, A. (2001) Understanding Information Systems Continuance: An Expectation Confirmation Model, MIS Quarterly, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 351-370. Chen, L., Gillenson, M.L. and Sherrell, D.L. (2002), Enticing online consumers: an extended technology acceptance perspective, Information Management, Vol. 39 No. 8, pp. 705-19. Chisnall, M. P. (1995) Consumer Behaviour, 3rd Edition, Maidenhead, McGraw Hill Companies. Constantinides, E. (2004) Influencing the online consumers behaviour: the Web experience, Internet Research 14: 2, 111-126. Davis, F.D. (1989), Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. 319-40. Davis, F.D. (1993), User acceptance of information technology: system characteristics, user perceptions and behavioural impacts, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 38 No. 3, pp. 475-87. Devaus, D. A. (1996) Surveys in Social Research, 4th edition, London, UCL Press. Dey, I. (1993) Qualitative Data Analysis, London, Routledge. Donal Rogan, FH Joanneum Graz, 28 May 1 June 2007, International Consumer Behaviour. Douglas, S. P., Wind, Y. (1978) Examining family role and authority patterns: two methodological issues, Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 3 pp.35-47. Fishbein, M. (1967) Attitude and Prediction of Behaviour, in M. Fishbein, ed., Readings in Attitude Theory and Measurement, New York: John Wiley, pp. 477-492. Fishbein, M. (1967) Attitude and Prediction of Behaviour, in M. Fishbein, ed., Readings in Attitude Theory and Measurement, New York: John Wiley, pp. 477-492. Folkes, V. S. (1988) Recent Attribution Research in Consumer Behaviour: A Review and New Directions, Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 14, pp. 548-565. Hackley, C. E. (2003) Doing Research Projects in Marketing, Management and Consumer Research, Routledge, London. Hollensen S. (2004) Global marketing A Decision Iriented Approach, 3rd Edition, Edinburgh Gate, Pearson Higher Education. Jarvenpaa, S. L., and Todd, P. A. (1996) Consumer reactions to electronic shopping on the World Wide Web, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 59-88. Joines, L. J., Scherer, W. C., and Scheufele A. D. (2003) Exploring motivations for consumer Web use and their implications for e-commerce, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 20: 2, 90 108. Kervin, J. B. (1999) Methods for Business research, 2nd edition, Reading, Addison Wiley. Khan, R. and Cannell, C. (1957) The Dynamics of interviewing, New York, Wiley. Kotler, P. Armstrong, G. (2007) Principles of Marketing, 12th Edition, Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall. Koufaris, M., Kambil, A., and Labarbera P. A. (2001) Consumer Behaviour in Web-Based Commerce: An Empirical Research, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 115-138. Lilien, G. L., Philip K., and Sridhar M. K. 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Skinner, B. F. (1938) The Behaviour of Organisms: An Experimental Analysis, New York: Appleton Century Crofts. Smith, D. A., and Rupp, T. W. (2003) Strategic online customer decision making: leveraging the transformational power of the Internet, Online Information Review 27: 6, 418 432. Song J., and Zahedi, F. M. (2001) Web Design In E-Commerce: A Theory And Empirical Analysis, Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems 2001, pp. 205-220. Vijayasarathy, L. R. (2001) The Impact of Shopping Orientations, Product Types, and Shopping Aids on Attitude and Intention to Use Online Shopping, Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 99-113. Webster J., and Watson R. T. (2002) Analyzing the Past to Prepare for the Future: Writing a Literature Review (pp. xiii-xxiii), MIS Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. xiii-xxiii (13-23).

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Educational psychology Essay

Education is essential to the success of the individual and communities. Public schools are charged with the responsibility of preparing students for college/university; while college/university are expected to prepare students for the work force. An inclusive approach to teaching; learning and assessment is forseen in the ‘The Revised National Curriculum Statement’, as part of this result we as teachers need to address barriers that learners may experience. As teachers we will only succeed in doing this if we are aware of social; emotional; physical as well as other barriers our students may experience. The success or failure of individual students depends on their ability to learn, it’s also important to remember that barriers don’t necessarily exist all the time(or from the get go), but can occur suddenly due to change in circumstances; emotional trauma as well as a variety of other factors. BARRIERS TO LEARNING CAN BE DIVIDED INTO 4GROUPS MAINLY: 1. SYSTEMIC BARRIERS 2. SOCIETAL BARRIERS 3. PEDAGOGICAL BARRIERS 4. MEDICAL BARRIERS The above mentioned barriers are not a complete account of all barriers students can experience, for example: Down ; Fetal Alcohol Syndrome; . Autism; Cerebral Palsy or Epilepsy, to name but a few. I will go on to explain in only a few short sentences which each of the above mentioned barriers entails: 1. SYSTEMIC BARRIERS There are a few problems in our educational system that can contribute to conditions that may cause barriers to learning: Lack of basic and appropriate learning material; Lack of assistive devices; inadequate facilities in schools; overcrowded classrooms as well as lack of mother-tongue speakers. We as future teachers have to try get the necessary resources even though the inadequate number of schools and available classrooms restricts the effort to supply in the need for education. I as a teacher would look into starting charity fundraisers even getting the children involved in order to get the necessary funds to help my school with the lack of resources etc. The language of teaching and learning, can be a barrier seeing as some parents cannot read or write the language of teaching, they are not equipped to assist with homework or projects . As a teacher I would try to start an afterschool programme in which students can ask for help with certain homework or projects they may experience problems with. 2. SOCIETAL BARRIERS Includes Sever Poverty; Late Enrolment; gangs/violence at home or in neighbourhoods; gender issues in cultural groups and societies. I will go on to discuss Severe Poverty which is a large barrier to learning (in any country) but in S. A in particular. If students don’t have access to their basic needs such as: nutrition; shelter; water; electricity; toilets; transport and basic medical treatment. As teachers we should take an interest in each childs circumstances and recognise particular problems, be able to take on a role as caregiver; teacher and counsellor and always offer our help where we can. We also cannot have negative attitudes because it can be harmful to or students, by not having a negative attitude we help our students build self-esteem and confidence in being able to complete activities without having fear of rejection or labelling. As teachers we should be well educated about the pandemic HIV-AIDS, I as teacher will make sure I understand and have the necessary skills and knowledge to be of help to my students whom have been diagnosed. I will also incorporate a week in my curriculum to dedicate to HIV-AIDS to my students in which I will have them do some research and I will explain the necessary knowledge my students need to know, and by so doing reduce the chances of my students being discriminated or labelled. 3. PEDIGOGICAL BARRIERS Insufficient support of educators; inappropriate and unfair assessment procedures and inflexible curriculums. Seeing guidance regarding inclusive assessment methods is given in the ‘Guidelines Document’, which was published in ‘National Department in Education in June;2002’; states that the curriculum can be very inflection in nature and not meet the diverse needs of all learners. Therefore I as a teacher would ensure that all learning styles are accommodated in my classroom. Ensure that my students  will be allowed to work at their own pace which in turn will also make no child feel left behind and faster students impatient, I will also ensure that no learner is excluded from any subjects based on gender; religion; and physical disability. 4. MEDICAL BARRIERS Sadly there are more than 4000 medical causes of disabilities in learners. To name but a few: sensory disabilities; neurological disabilities; physical disabilities and cognitive disabilities. As a teacher I would pay special attention to my learners as well as observe them closely in order to diagnose a problem as soon as possible. As a teacher I will always maintain an organised classroom, be prepared with a clear vision of what I would like to achieve on a specific day as well as have a ruff plan of what I would like to achieve in a year. I will ensure that my students will always know their routine and what I expect of them. My classroom will be a safe and supportive environment.. I will make sure I’m able to adapt my teaching practice when necessary, I will also do my best at maintaining as flexible curriculum as possible. I will always keep learning and educating myself so as to be able to identify as well as understand barriers to learning; in turn making sure I have the necessary knowledge to to adapt my teaching and assessment methods, to assist each child with a barrier in my classroom, As a teacher in my community, I will pay attention to all the above mentioned barriers; make sure all students get the best education possible. I will be sensitive to my students needs as well as my communities needs. SOURCE: curriculum-wecape. school. za/resource_files/40112654_inclusive_eng_12-27. doc

Friday, January 10, 2020

Johari Window

OB2 – Case Study on Johari Window THE CHANGE AGENT Shweta is the marketing department manager of J&K enterprises. She has noticed that her staff seems to be pulling in separate directions and some members have trouble cooperating with others. She feels team building will help her department function in a more positive and productive way. Shweta interviews several OD consultants to find the change agent she thinks will be right for what she needs. Shweta decides on Kartik, an organization development consultant that best answered the question, â€Å"How will this change agent build a group into a team? Kartik meets with Shweta to discuss the problems. Kartik and Shweta discuss the problem as Shweta sees it. They discuss specific questions to ask and data that will be collected from interviews with team members. Kartik interviews Shweta's staff and immediately a number of issues surface that appear counterproductive to effective functioning. Lack of communication is identified as the most serious problem, and many of the other major issues are a direct result of the communication breakdown.Kartik reports the general findings back to Shweta without mentioning any names. After discussing the problem and possible ways to solve it, they decided on the two-day team building retreat. The goal of the retreat is to get the group to work through the issues that are causing the biggest problems. Kartik’s idea about how to approach the retreat is: We will adopt THE GROUP MOTIVATION EXERCISE model. It is quite like looking at the positives of self ; others and not look at the negatives at all.The purpose is to build on the positives and do not discuss negatives as they already have issues against each other. Let them write the name of their ideal colleague stating the qualities because of which they admire him/her. Then they should write their own qualities on a second sheet of paper. Lastly they should make groups and discuss their observations. Using the Joh ari Window model, what do you think are the benefits Kartik’s approach? Which panes will be highlighted?

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Using the Rare Apostrophe in Spanish

The apostrophe is almost never used in modern Spanish. Its use is limited to words of foreign origin (usually names) and, very rarely, poetry or poetic literature, such as palante. Spanish students should not imitate the common uses of the apostrophe in English. Foreign Words Me siento vieja. Pero, cest la vie. I feel old. But such is life.Un jack-o-lantern es una calabaza tallada a mano, asociada a la festividad de Halloween. A jack-o-lantern is a pumpkin carved by hand and associated with Halloween festivities.Sinà ©ad Marie Bernadette OConnor es una cantante nacida en Dublà ­n, Irlanda. Sinà ©ad Marie Bernadette OConnor is a singer born in Dublin, Ireland.McDonalds ofrece una gran variedad de alimentos de alta calidad. McDonalds offers a big variety of high-quality foods. Note that in all the above cases the words would be recognized as being of foreign origin. In the first two cases, the use of the words with apostrophes would be seen as a Gallicism and Anglicism, respectively. Literature and Poetry The apostrophe can occasionally be found in centuries-old poetry or literature as a way of showing that letters have been omitted. Such use is very rarely found in modern writing, and then only for literary effect. Nuestras vidas son los rà ­os / que van a dar en la mar, / ques el morir. Our lives are the rivers / that flow to give to the sea, / which is death. (From Coplas de Don Jorge Manrique por la muerte de su padre, 1477.) ¿ ... quà © me ha de aprovechar ver la pintura / daquel que con las alas derretidas ...? ... what could it help me to see the painting of that one with the melted wings ...? (From the 12th sonnet of Garcilazo de la Vega, c. 1500-1536.) One exception in modern usage is the slang spellings of mijo and mija for mi hijo and mi hija (my son and my daughter, respectively). Such a spelling should not be used in formal writing. According to the Royal Spanish Academy, the apostrophe should not be used in the following instances, which are considered Anglicisms: To shorten years, such as using 04 for 2004. Simply 04 can be used instead.To make plurals. The Spanish word for apostrophe is apà ³strofo. An apà ³strofe is a certain type of insult.