Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Anatomy and Physiology Cells

This essay will outline the functions of the main cell components, these consist of the nucleus, nuclear membrane, mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus, cell membrane, ribosomes, cytoplasm and endoplasmic reticulum both rough and smooth. Images: [3] Every human body has billions of microscopic units called cells. Cells carry out numerous of chemical reactions and processes that make up the essence of life. The structure of cells varies in size and shape and has different functions.There are four main features with in a cell and these consist of the cell membrane also known as the plasma, the cell nucleus which contains mature red blood cells, the cytoplasm and the organelles which is a â€Å"various component of a cell with a distinct structure and their own functions and can be likened to miniature organs. Organelles include mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum the Golgi apparatus and lysosomes† [1] The nucleus is usually the largest structure inside the cell which con tains chromosomes which contains deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), this is the genetic coding material which determines difference characteristics.The nucleus main function is to contain instructions for growth, work and maintenance of the cell, it controls nearly all the activities of the cell. â€Å"A smaller, darker sphere is often visible, the nucleolus, this is a source of ribonucleic acid (RNA) one of the nucleic acids† [2]. When a cell is not dividing (known as resting) this is called the chromatin network and the nuclear material appears like a thick, triangle mass. When a cell is in the process of dividing, the chromatin network separates into distinct black threads known as chromosomes and there are 23 pairs of chromosomes in a human cell. The nuclear membrane is made up of 2layers, each composed of a lipid bilayer. It has holes all over which are called nuclear pores, to facilitate and regulate the exchange of materials, for example, proteins and RNA, between the nucleu s and cytoplasm. The outer membrane is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum. The inner membrane is linked with a network of intermediate filaments called nuclear lamina acts as a site of attachment for chromosomes. It also acts as a shield for the nucleus†. [4] The mitochondria are rod shaped or spherical shaped, they are very energy active cells.Each mitochondrion has a double layered membrane but the inner layer is folded at intervals, producing a series of ridges known as cristae which is where the enzymes responsible for the end stages of cell respiration. â€Å"The energy released from glucose is stored until it is needed by a chemical battery called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). When energy is required for building complex molecules or doing work like contracting muscles, ATP breaks down to adenosine diphosphate (ADP), releasing energy to build chemical bonds.The ADP is recycled, to be built up once more into ATP, using the energy released from glucose. â€Å"[3] The number of mitochondria in a cell depends on the amount of energy it needs to perform its function, for example the muscle cell will have a large amount because it needs a lot of energy. Images: [4] Lysosomes are very small vesicles produced by part of the Golgi apparatus. They contain powerful enzymes that destroy bacteria, protein, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids and other foreign materials and they release it outside the cells. ysosomes travel freely within the cell and by releasing their contents they can destroy old or damaged organelles and in some cases entire cells, like the clean-up crew of the cell that eliminate anything that has outlived their usefulness. The Golgi apparatus packages protein to deliver to other organelles or outwards from the lysosomes. This appears to look flattened, fluid filled sacs which are stacked upon each other. Images: [2] â€Å"The cell membrane is a thin semi-permeable membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell, enclosing its con tents.Its function is to protect the integrity of the interior of the cell by allowing certain substances into the cell† (for example, gases and liquids), â€Å"while keeping other substances out† [6]. The cytoplasm is semi-fluid, gel like substance that gives shape to the cell. This where metabolism takes place and this accommodates cell organelles such the mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum. There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum (ER), rough and smooth.The rough ER is studded with tiny black bodies called ribosomes and its functions are to manufacture cell proteins and act as a temporary storage area. Sometimes sugars are added to protein (glycoprotein) in secretions like mucus. The smooth ER has no attached ribosomes and is involved in the metabolism. â€Å"Smooth ER is important in the synthesis of lipids and membrane proteins. Rough ER is important in the synthesis of other proteins. Information coded in DNA sequences in the nucleus is transcribed as messenger RNA. Messenger RNA exits the nucleus through small pores to enter the cytoplasm.At the ribosomes on the rough ER, the messenger RNA is translated into proteins. These proteins are then transferred to the Golgi in â€Å"transport vesicles† where they are further processed and packaged into lysosomes, peroxisomes, or secretory vesicles† [5] The reticulum network fills the cell interior and channels passage ways for transporting materials to and from parts of the cell. Images: [1] Ribosomes what are studded all over rough ER. â€Å"A ribosome is a biological molecule made of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and proteins (ribosomal proteins).The structure of a ribosome is complex, and it is responsible for making the millions of proteins that are needed by cells. Think of a ribosome as a small protein biosynthetic factory that translates the DNA genetic information into an amino acid sequence (the primary structure of proteins). † [7] A ribosome may be located in ma ny places within the cell. Some are in the cytosol and others are bound to cellular membranes. Membrane-bound ribosomes are responsible for the characteristic roughness of the endoplasmic reticulum when seen under a microscope.Reference: Images: 1. Anon. (undated) http://www. cellsalive. com/cells/er. htm [online] 2. Anon. (undated) http://micro. magnet. fsu. edu/cells/golgi/golgiapparatus. html [online] 3. Anon. (undated) http://scienceaid. co. uk/biology/cell/structure. html [online] 4. Michael W. Davidson (2000) http://micro. magnet. fsu. edu/cells/mitochondria/mitochondria. html [online] Books and internet: 1. Stretch B. (2010) Health & Social Care Level 3 Book 1: Anatomy and physiology for health and social care 2. Stretch B. 2010) Health & Social Care Level 3 Book 1: Anatomy and physiology for health and social care 3. Stretch B. (2010) Health & Social Care Level 3 Book 1: Anatomy and physiology for health and social care 4. Anon. (2008) www. biology-online. org/dictionary/Nuc lear_membrane [online] 5. Anon. (undated) www. cellsalive. com/cells/er. htm [online] 6. Regina Bailey (2012) www. biology. about. com/od/biologydictionary/g/cell-membrane. htm [online] 7. Paul Arnold (2009) www. brighthub. com/science/genetics/articles/22938. aspx [online]

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Unit Labor Costs Matter Much More Than Actual Levels of Pay

Nga Discuss the view that unit labour costs matter much more than actual levels of pay. Unit  labour  costs is the  cost  of  labour  per  unit  of. It is determined by the growth of wages and the rate of growth of  labour  productivity. Labour costs include the complete range of costs employers incur when they employ workers. They include not only wages but also the cost of recruiting and training workers, national insurance contributions, redundancy payments and benefits in kind. Wages do, however, constitute over 80% of total labour cost.So they, together with productivity, are the two key influences on unit labour costs. If productivity increases at a faster rate than the wages paid, unit labour costs are likely to fall. During the recession, the UK has seen falls in real wage growth. If real wages are lower, firms may   be more willing to employ labour rather than capital. In other words low wage growth means labour is relatively more attractive than usual. Therefore with lower labour costs, firms are willing to employ more workers and labour intensive production methods.If a country’s firms have higher unit labour costs than firms in rival countries, this may make their products less price competitive. The country will be unlikely to benefit from increased exports, as a result of a depreciating exchange rate. The increasing unit labour costs have caused firms to demand workers from abroad, who are willing to work for lower wages, to decrease the cost of production. But this has caused unemployment in the UK, and therefore a reduction in income. The result is AD shift to the left, which decreases the rate of economic growth.Rising unit labour costs have the potential to cause cost push inflation. This is caused by wage increases which exceed any improvement in productivity. There are those who feel that unit labour costs matter much more than actual levels of pay and this is because  ULC contains within it all total labour co sts divided by output. This includes wages, national insurance and redundancy payments. Wages are only a component of ULC  , which leads people to feel that it does not matter as much; it is only the amount paid to a worker for working a certain number of hours.Unit labour costs can be said to matter more because it  helps determine productivity. If total labour costs are at ? 5000 and output is 5000 units, then ULC would measure at ? 1. If however output increased to 10,000 units, then ULC would measure at 50p. This means that it now costs less per worker and also shows that workers are now more productive. On the other hand, if companies were becoming less productive, then  ULC can help governments decide whether to apply supply-side policies or not.An example of this would be education and training, if a worker gains more knowledge in the field of work, then they should be able to produce more units than they did before. What can be also be noted from the graph is that  t here is a reduction of inflation from A to B when increasing productivity. Therefore ULC are very important and matter more than wages because it helps determine productivity, inflation and helps with decisions on supply-side policies. ULC does have some flaws however in thatsupply-side policies are not entirely determined by ULC, it can also be used to lower inflation as shown in the above graph.While it is agreed that ULC is important, some would argue that wages are more so. Wages make up 80 per cent of ULC  and may suggest that wages determine ULC. If wages increased, then total labour costs would also increase. If total labour costs were at ? 20,000 and output was at 10,000, then ULC would measure at ? 2. If however total labour costs increased to ? 50,000 due to because of wages, and the level of output stayed the same, then ULC would measure at ? 5. This suggests a decrease in productivity as well as a relatively low level of international competitiveness.In countries where minimum wage doesn’t exist, wages may be considerably lower and the result from ULC would suggest high productivity but would not consider infringement of rights. To summarise, wages are more important than ULC because not only is it a significant proportion of ULC itself and can change the result independently , but it alsoallows people to see their independent income; wages are more important to consumers  whereas ULC is more important to firms.In most developed countries however, there exists a minimum wage so wage abuse is not common. Also, the figures used previously assume that output remains at a fixed level, in the case that it doesn’t shows more factors involved and thus weakens the actual levels of pay’s effect. Actual levels of pay are important, but more so to the individual than to the collective. ULC allows a broader scope of how the country is performing economically compared to others and is therefore more important.

Monday, July 29, 2019

An Examination of “Intimate Revenge” in Seamus Heaney’s “Punishment”

An Examination of â€Å"Intimate Revenge† in Seamus Heaney’s â€Å"Punishment† The poem â€Å"Punishment† by Seamus Heaney was written in 1975 as a part of the anthology North. It is a part of Heaney’s bog series, in which he describes the Irish bogland, and the different artifacts and remains that have been found within the Northern European bogs. In these poems, the bog imagery is metaphoric of Heaney’s Irish homeland, specifically Northern Ireland. Written during the bloodiest year of the Irish Troubles, â€Å"Punishment† delves deeper into this metaphor to examine relations during the time period. In â€Å"Punishment,† the poetic persona observes the body of a bog woman, the Windeby Girl. She has a noose around her neck, and as he looks at her corpse he imagines the context in which she was hanged. Throughout this first section of the poem, Heaney creates a very empathetic tone through the persona’s description of the woman and the circumstances surrounding her death. Toward the end of the poem, the persona admits t hat some part of him does not regret her execution, and almost condones it. In â€Å"Punishment,† Heaney uses contrasting images of the bog woman and metaphor of the Irish Troubles to create tension and explore the internal conflict between empathy and revenge. Heaney begins to develop an empathetic tone from the very first beginning of â€Å"Punishment.† The first three lines read: â€Å"I can feel the tug / of the halter at the nape / of her neck.† Immediately, the word tug pulls the reader into the persona’s experience. Heaney’s wonderful use of enjambment in this first stanza also leads to the creation of rousing interest. These features work together to draw the reader into the story of the bog woman simply from the initial image of her. Heaney continues to establish empathy through the persona’s continued imagery. The persona uses very vivid visual analogies to draw attention to the young age and unfortunate situation of the bog girl. In lines 7-8, the wind â€Å"shakes the frail rigging / of her ribs.† The word frail highlights her weakness and vulnerability. The persona can see her ribs. She is completely exposed. In this, Heaney establishes physical infirmity. Until the fourth stanza, the reader has no perception of age. In line 14, the persona calls her a â€Å"barked sapling.† A sapling is a young, weak tree. Barking is a practice in which a row of bark is stripped from a tree, inevitably killing it. Combined, these two simple terms create an incredibly evocative image of nature slaughtered by man. They suggest to the reader that this girl’s death is an act against nature and is inherently wrong. The persona continues to describe her in this manner, until line 20. Perhaps one of the most puzzling lines in â€Å"Punishment,† it refers to the noose around her neck. The persona compares it to â€Å"a ring / to store / the memories of love† (20-22). A noose generally brings about a negative connotation. However in this context, it is presented with a somewhat ironic and nostalgic tone. At its most basic purpose, the metaphor is alluding to the revelation in the next line. Yet, at a deeper level, the line could represent the persona’s understanding and justification of the bog girl’s crime. This appreciation is further exemplified by the persona’s personal connection to the girl. Heaney’s use of apostrophe creates an especially strong sense of empathy in â€Å"Punishment.† The persona directly addresses the exhibited woman as a â€Å"little adulteress† (23). Once again, the persona draws attention literally to her youth and paltry size through the use of little. However, this is also a term of endearment, as one would call his or her own child, further codifying the connection the persona feels with the bog woman. In this line, the reader is informed for the first time of the reason for the girl’s death. She committed a crime and she suffered the punishment. In the subsequent lines, the images transition from frailty in death to beauty in life. The persona describes her â€Å"tar-black face† as once being â€Å"beautiful† (27). This stark contrast highlights the tension of her life and death and demonstrates the empathy the persona feels for the girl. The final definitive sympathy the reader observes is in line 28, as the persona addresses the girl as â€Å"my poor scapegoat.† The possessive adjective my demonstrates the empathy the persona experiences, and the line as a whole shows a great display of sympathy. The implication of the word scapegoat is that she was punished so that others would not be. She is an example, even though the persona recognizes the unfairness of her situation. In the next stanzas, the persona begins to reveal his personal cowardice and sin. The most poignantly ashamed lines come directly after vehemently expressed empathy. The persona directly addresses the bog girl for the final time: â€Å"I almost love you / but would have cast, I know, / the stones of silence† (29-31). The images that have been developing empathy and endearment from the first line suddenly dissolve as the persona’s sympathy is proven insufficient. Despite his convictions, he does not feel strongly enough to speak out against his peers and save her. If he does, he cannot bring himself to do so for the simplest reason. Some part of him understands why she is killed, and agrees with the punishment. In the poem, the persona compares the punishment of the bog girl to the punishment of Catholic girls during the Irish Troubles. During this time, cruel punishments for seemingly minor offenses were not uncommon. The Troubles were a conflict between Irish Catholics and British Protestants. In this poem, Heaney specifically references the penalty for fraternization between these two groups. If a Catholic girl was discovered associating with a British soldier, she was â€Å"cauled in tar,† and shamed publicly (39). This is comparative to a hanging for adultery as public degradation. She is made an example, just as the bog girl is made an example. The metaphor extends not only to the literal â€Å"punishment,† but also to the emotional conflict the persona experiences. He is the â€Å"artful voyeur† of a murdered girl (32). This demonstrates a sense of guilt as he witnesses the atrocity in front of him, yet he only watches. Equally, he has â€Å"stood dumb† as he has watched his own people being punished by his own people (37). He â€Å"would connive in civilized outrage,† yet do nothing to stop the act. It is through these contradictions that the persona’s internal conflict is revealed. The persona can â€Å"understand the exact / and tribal, intimate revenge,† yet also feel boundless empathy for those punished (43-44). It is through this conflict that Heaney looks at relations during the Irish Troubles. As a prominent figure in the Catholic minority, Seamus Heaney was often called upon to make political statements in his poetry. â€Å"Punishment† exemplifies betrayal, not between the two sides, but within one. It is not degrading the Protestants, nor is it a rallying cry for the Catholics. Instead, Heaney examines revenge, empathy, and betrayal at their core. Throughout the majority of the poem, the images of the bog woman create a great feeling of empathy. Yet, it is also understood that the persona would have done nothing to save her. She executed an â€Å"intimate† betrayal, and thus deserved an â€Å"intimate revenge† (44). The allusion to Catholics during the Troubles presents an especially personal connection for Heaney. In the intense emotion of innermost betrayal, moral convictions may be set aside for the satisfaction of revenge. â€Å"Punishment† examines the ethical dilemma faced both by Catholics during the Troubles and by any person in a situ ation of war, either personal or intercontinental. The resolution Heaney reaches is uncomfortable. The persona stands in silence and accepts the violence, despite empathy for the victim. The readers discomfort comes in the understanding of why he does so. It is the question of love over hate, of peace over war, one each person must answer individually. Though Heaney rarely added fuel to the political fire of the Irish Troubles, perhaps through this poem he is asking whether this struggle is worth the pain it created.

Foodmart, Inc. Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Foodmart, Inc. - Research Paper Example Contractual capacity is an important element of a contract. Thus an insane, bankrupt or a person not of legal age cannot make a valid contract. In this case if Jeremy was not of legal age yet, then the contract was invalid and a Smooth Sales Used car has no legal claim for breach of contract. The only remedy for the car seller lies in equity which comes in to cure the hostility of the common law of contract. An equitable remedy would require Jeremy to give back the car and also forfeit the sums paid as he had already used the car. There is no legal remedy for the breach of contract as the lack of capacity makes the contract void. If Jeremy never returned the car out of his own volition then it would be hard for the car seller to claim breach of contract. The most important elements of a contract are offer and acceptance. In this scenario the question is whether a contract can be implied on the basis of the promise that Brian made to harry. The common law doctrine of promissory estoppel operates to imply existence of a contract in this scenario. Promissory estoppel comes to existence where a person by his word makes a representation which is relied on by the other part to his or her detriment. In such a case the maker of the stamen is precluded from denying what he represented. In this case Brian represented to harry that he would sell the trains to him. Harry acted on this representation to his detriment as he borrowed money from his aunt to build a room for the trains. Thus in this case the doctrine of promissory estoppel operates to preclude Brian from denying the existence of a contract to sell the trains to Harry. The most important element of promissory estoppel is that the other person has to rely on the representation and suf fer harm because he acted on the representation. These two requirements have been fulfilled in this case. The question here is whether there was a contract between

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Is aptitude a factor in second language acquisition Essay

Is aptitude a factor in second language acquisition - Essay Example Aptitude is defined as being an inherent ability and a capacity for learning that goes beyond intelligence. It is â€Å"a combination of abilities and other characteristics, whether native or acquired, that are indicative of an individual’s ability to learn or develop proficiency in some particular area if appropriate education or training is provided†. Aptitude is most definitely a factor in second language acquisition (SLA). However, the importance of aptitude is also dependent on a number of other factors. It is one of the many variables which play a part in determining the speed and comprehensiveness in which an individual gains fluency in a second language. Factors such as age, education level, motivation and general intelligence are also fundamental to a person’s ability to acquire a second language. The purpose of this essay is to establish just how great a role aptitude plays in SLA and its relationship to other aspects. In order to ascertain this, I will analyze academic works on the subject, before outlining what these works reveal about the function aptitude has in gaining fluency in a second language. In his article, ‘Aptitude and Second Language Acquisition’, Peter Robinson characterizes second language (L2) learning aptitude as â€Å"strengths individual learners have – relative to their population – in the cognitive abilities information processing draws on during L2 learning and performance in various contexts and at different stages†. According to Robinson, neural differences, underlying abilities and SLA processes lie at a ‘subcomputational, physical’ level.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Case study 19 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case study 19 - Research Paper Example In a free market, lower priced products are likely to attract more customers compared to those with higher prices. In most cases, customers are very sensitive to prices and some organisations have capitalised on this where they lower the prices while at the same time trying to retain value. Mr Herrera is therefore reluctant to put higher price mark-ups as these would scare away his loyal customers which may result in loss of sales and ultimately loss of profits. However, his stance on the issue of pricing almost destroyed his business in that the revenue generated could not offset the cost of maintaining the buildings as well as high budgets on advertising. It can be noted that the total operational costs are slightly higher than the revenue generated though the customers still believe that he offers good quality on his project. Noble as it is to retain the loyal customers, it is also important to ensure that that the business is also able to sustain itself for long term benefits. Essentially, business is meant to generate profits which can cover all the operational costs. 2. The concepts of demand, price and profits are interrelated in various ways. Demand refers to the number of customers willing to purchase a product. â€Å"Marketing’s main thrust and skill is demand management, namely to influence the level, timing and composition of demand in pursuit of the company’s objective,† (Kotler 1999 p.46). The major objective of business is to satisfy the needs and wants of the customers profitably. However, in some instances, there may be over demand of goods and there is need for the marketers to try to reduce demand or change its timing. Demand affects the pricing of the product in different ways. There may be need to increase the price in order to offset the imbalance in revenue generated which may be recorded. An upsurge in demand where the price remains

Friday, July 26, 2019

Liberation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Liberation - Essay Example The Declaration of Independence has also played an important part in the history of the United States. The language that Jefferson used and the ideas that he espoused influenced numerous presidents and political leaders to this day. Abraham Lincoln considered the Declaration of Independence to be the very foundation of his political philosophy. It was the Declaration of Independence that explained the significance of liberation for the colonists in the United States. There are a number of facts presented in the Declaration of Independence that prove why this liberation was ultimately necessary for the colonies (Kelly). The tone of the Declaration of Independence suggests that it was intended to be a persuasive document to be read by many different audiences. The tone is indirect, i.e., the primary purpose of the piece is not fully disclosed until the end of the argumentation. In persuasive essays, the author uses facts and evidence to bolster his argument and to prove to the reader t he truthfulness of his point of view. These facts and evidences also create the context of the main theme of the argument. They may also influence the reader to accept the core message of the essay. Thomas Jefferson followed this pattern by allowing the opening and body to lead up to the main idea of the Declaration of Independence, which he left for the end. He drafted it so that it would persuade his readers that the liberation of the colonies was a significant betterment for the people, politically, financially, and socially.He begins by describing the reasons why the colopnies wanted to separate from the rule of England and its monarchs. He opens with a very wide scope that involves the rules of nature as justification for the colonies' independence and he contrasts this idea with the rules of man that England uses to impose its will on the colonies. Jefferson states that God created all men as equals and gave them the ability to think and decide their destinies for themselves. â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness†. This sentence alone places the Declaration of Independence among the best-known sentences in the English language. Tn addition to the poetry of the prose, the ambit of its argument is so braod and powerful that it merits such consideration. Jefferson proceeded to back this statement of principle with factual evidence to further build his arguments for colonial independence. The facts provided were presented in such a manner that they were intended to be effective tools in persuading Jefferson's audience. For example, Jefferson initially admits that changing a long established government should not be done for causes that are not material, but if the government does not change its behavior and uses its power against the will of the people, and does this repeatedly, then it becomes the right and duty of the people being governed to remove the government and obtain new protectors to ensure the security of their future (Selzer). This evidential appeal helped support the Declaration of Independence's status in history. After making this initial declaration of intent, and setting forth the basic points of his main argument, Jefferson

Thursday, July 25, 2019

There have been many barriers in the success of theMNC but they have Essay

There have been many barriers in the success of theMNC but they have managed to set back - Essay Example Changes in the policies and economic system in the developing countries have lead to a shift the way governments had perceived their interest. Hence there has been a wide range of attitudes of government towards the multinationals. Economic globalization has lead to the widening and extent of international transactions. One of the consequences of globalization is the growing convergence of the level of income, consumption pattern and also institutional structure among the industrialized countries and developing countries. To most important determinants of globalization includes fast and extensive implementation of new technologies mainly computer technologies and information, organizational cost and also cross border communications and secondly, liberalization of domestic and also of international markets. But it can also be said that globalization has not affected all the countries and also regions in some way or the other. It has resulted in widening the assets and also income gaps between the developing countries and industrialized countries (Dunning & Narula, 2004, p.39). The globalization has emerged as one of the going concern and has forced the multinationals to excel in its respective industry by way of expansion and creating a brand name all over the globe. Body Growth of Multinationals Post war period has witnessed the unprecedented and sustained growth in the multinational corporations. There has been a growth of international business which has been financed by the foreign direct investment (FDI) which further has been accompanied by variety in its source of geographical distribution (Tolentino & Tolentino, 2004, p.1). The subject that has raised maximum interest in relation to the promising economies is the rise of multinationals. The framework which is designed to explain the growth of multinationals are hence not adequate enough to understand the growth of emerging multinationals as in today’s date (Dolfsma,, 2009, p.146). With the e xpansion of world economy it promoted a recovery in the rate of FDI in the global scenario. By the year 1960, the global stock of FDI has reached about $60 billion and by 1980 it stood at about $500billion. It was during these decades that the term multinational were invented and the economic theorist has turned their attention in explaining the existence of international firms. During 1960’s US have accounted nearly 85% of all new FDIs flows. By 1980 it held about 40% of the stock in total. Today the German have managed to surpass Netherland. In 1980 there was no multinational investment made in neither China nor India and Japan accounted for only 1% of the FDI stock. 1980 was the phase when globalization got intensified. Japan share of manufacturing increased from merely 55 to about 20% thirty years later the inception of globalization. The most striking changes took place with the emerging countries. Multinationals were seen as a means to develop new products, technologies and also skills. Chain adopted the market oriented policy is an example of starting point of new global economy. Deregulation and also privatization has further opened up new opportunities with respect to globalization and includes services such as tourism, transport, telecommunications and other services. Multinational faces risk of expropriation but the rules of international property

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Current Event -Values, Attitudes & Perceptions Essay

Current Event -Values, Attitudes & Perceptions - Essay Example Current Event on Values, Attitudes & Perceptions: The Definition of Workplace Values Summary The article entitled The Definition of Workplace Values written by Juarez on January 18, 2011 and published by Demand Media, Inc. aimed to determine the factors that define values, attitudes and perceptions in the workplace. As initially averred, these factors are ultimately grounded from cultural orientations that have been specifically examined by Dr. Geert Hofstede who founded five specific patterns in cultural dimensions, to wit: power distance, individualism, gender, avoidance and traditions. Background The author based the contents of the article from Hofstede’s Cultures and Organizations that examined the five dimensions of culture, found to be instrumental in determining expressions and manifestations of values and attitudes in organizational setting. The author aimed to write a concise abstract of each dimension as applicable in the workplace. The study of organizational behav ior manifests the inclusion of diversity in culture to provide a more comprehensive understanding of why and how people behave the way they do. Findings The author clearly averred that â€Å"different cultures have different workplace values along five cultural dimensions, which help us define our own workplace values† (Juarez, 2011, par. 1).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Compare and contrast the two artworks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Compare and contrast the two artworks - Essay Example In both sculptures, artists have utilized the concept of contrast intended to give varied objects comprising main artworks real implications2,3. This is to ensure each artwork despite appearing different from the other; they have brought the required meaning. For instance, the most striking and common contrast evident in these two artworks is the aspect of color-light interaction. Light in these two artworks strikes them from a source placed up diagonally in relation to the objects’ position. Hence, illuminating varied and key areas of the artworks the way a real sun would suppose it was during daytime and in the open space far from the buildings or any other shelter. However, lightning in both artworks varies considerably whereby Cubi XIX’s illumination intensity is more than that of Henry Moore's figure. This is despite the source of illumination casting shadows beneath the two works. Probably, the reason why Cubi XIX’s illumination exceeds that of Henry Moore' s figure is due to its placement, which is outside as per the artist’s desire for the object to reflect any change of the natural light4. Similarly, the two objects have also utilized negative space with the intention of creating three-dimensional works5. Hence, this induces the aspect of depth evident when observing spaces and holes found in between varied objects overlapping each other without being in contact. However, in the Henry Moore's figure, its holes appear natural compared to those found in David Smith's artwork. Since, the latter due to its geometrical shapes suggest the holes comprising negative spaces are artificial, which is contrary to Henry Moore's figure6. Since, Henry Moore's artwork comprises of oval and irregular holes inside it, which is contrary to David Smith's object whose varied objects are geometric and seem to assume a certain array with the intention of attaining the required balance. Artists’ through these two artworks despite relaying div erse massages, their respective emphasizes varies considerably. This is evident in the mode of utilizing light whereby David Smith's object has increased illumination compared to that of Henry Moore. The latter artist’s emphasis encompasses depicting the entire object evident from its mild illumination, which is similar to a light produced by an artificial source, and striking an item under a shade or in a building. This is contrary to Cubi XIX, which focuses on depicting varied natural light’s alterations, which is the sun. Hence, prompting the artist to use beaten steel as the object’s sole material so that it may reflect the light as necessitated. This is evident from the varied parts of the entire objects that have high illumination intensity compared to both its rear parts and those of Henry Moore figure. Another outstanding divergence between the two objects encompasses the aspect of texture whereby Henry Moore’s artwork has an extremely smooth surf ace than that of David Smith's artwork7. Mainly, this emanates from the materials constituting the two respective works. David Smith's figure is not evenly smooth except in spaces or distortions made on the steel by the sculptor’s tool when shaping it to assume the required shape. However, Henry Moore in his work seems to have used a special tool in combination with hands to attain an appealing surface to feel. Since, the material comprising its artwork seems to be clay or any other similar matter

An Analysis of Womens Mindset About Plastic Surgery Essay Example for Free

An Analysis of Womens Mindset About Plastic Surgery Essay Based on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia stated that beauty is a value that related to emotional aspect that mean vitality, fertility, health, happiness, goodness, and love. â€Å"Beauty is commonly defined as a characteristic present in objects, such as nature, art work, and a human person, that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, joy, and satisfaction to the observer, through sensory manifestations such as shape, color, and personality. Beauty thus manifested usually conveys some level ofharmony amongst components of an object† (New World Encyclopedia). Thomas Aquinas (1225 1274), wrote on the essence of beauty. He thought that beauty was the result of three prerequisites: wholeness (lat. integritas) or perfection, harmony (lat. proportio) and clarity or brightness† (Pentti Rautio, 2007). For many centuries, people and philosophers have expressed their definition of beauty. They show their own argument with different definition. However, nowadays we can not get the really means of beauty, because beauty has been lost over time. It just leaves a word ( Nancy Etcoff, 1999, p. 69). Everyone want to be beautiful, especially for women. They make themselves as beautiful as they can. For being beautiful, they have an icon to be followed. They use a Barbie dolls as a fashion icon because they think that Barbie is the image of beauty woman. Barbie has thin and tall body, flawless skin, long hair and big eyes. It shows that Barbie is perfect creature. Because of it, Barbie has affected a lot of women through its beauty. Barbie become the image of beauty by its history. Barbie is named by Ruth Handler which comes from his daughter’s name Barbara. Barbara is the same as another child that play with a toys but she always use a paper to make a dolls. During a trip to Europe with her child Barbara in 1956, Ruth Handler came across a German and found a doll called Bild Lilli. The Bild Lilli doll was very popular at that time, it was made based on a character in a comic strip drawn by Reinhard Beuthin for the newspaper Die Bild-Zeitung. In 1955, The Bild Lilli doll was initially sold to adults and became popular with children who enjoyed dressing up. On her return to the United States, Ruth Handler tried to redesign the Bird Lilly doll with help from Jack Ryan that works as an engineer. Moreover, the doll that was redesign by Ruth handler was given a new name ‘Barbie’, after Ruth Handler’s daughter Barbara. The Barbie doll made its first debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York on March 9, 1959. This date is also used as Barbie’s birthday. The Bird Lilli doll production was stopped in 1964 and the first Barbie doll wore a black and white zebra striped swimsuit and signature topknot ponytail. The doll was marketed as a â€Å"Ten-age Fashion Model† with her clothes created by Charlotte Johnson. The first Barbie dolls were manufactured in Japan, with their clothes hand-stitched by Japanese home workers. Around 350,000 Barbie dolls were sold during the first year of production. Barbie was the first toy that has a marketing strategy on television advertising. It is estimated that over a billion Barbie dolls have been sold out in over 150 countries and every second three Barbie dolls are sold. Barbie products include not only the range of dolls with their clothes and accessories, but also a large range of Barbie branded goods such as books, apparel, cosmetics and video games. Barbie has appeared in a series of animated films and is a supporting character in â€Å"Toy Story 2† and â€Å"Toy Story 3†. Barbie has been given honors and become cultural icon that is rare in the toy world. In 1974 a section of Times Square in New York City was renamed Barbie Boulevard for a week. In 2009, Barbie celebrated her 50th birthday. The celebrations included a runway show in New York for the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week and others event that used Barbie as the icon (James Penn, 2001). Barbie became a popular toy in America and the figure that was used by Mattel dolls and accessories. For five years, Barbie has been an important part of toy fashion doll market. However, behind its popularity, Barbie also became controversies because its life style. From a young age, children play with toys like Barbie dolls and burly action figures, with bodies that are physically impossible to achieve. Exposure to these â€Å"ideals† is damaging to the self-esteem of youths† (MelodyBee, 2008). Usually, most of children play Barbie, especially for girls. They make Barbie as beautiful as they can. However, playing a Barbie doll can give bad influence for children. The Barbie’s clothes or the other things in Barbie’s world have affected the girls who playing Barbie think how importance of physical appearance. Barbie has affected them in terms of fashion. They be dressed precocious because the influence of Barbie. Without realizing it, they are growing-up skipper. According to Marilyn Ferris Motz, he suggested, â€Å"Barbie has other messages for us and that the doll’s influence is more problematic, especially for children. † It means that Barbie has bad side effect for children. Not only children, but nowadays the girls or women also make Barbie as woman figure that they want. Because of the figure of Barbie and other figures of beauties, women are convinced to believe that one must look like these images to be beautiful. The easiest way to achieve this is by having plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is a type of surgery that can involve both women’s appearance and ability to function. Society today has influence women to believe that in order for a person to look beautiful, they must look like the images that are seen on television, in movies, and on the cover of magazines. Some of them are even willing to suffer in order to achieve their desired beauty. Although plastic surgery can improve women’s appearance, but it can induce a lot of detriments which may lead to dangerous risk, even death. From the description, I will analyze women’s mindset about plastic surgery.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Algal Bio-Diesel Power Plant Essay Example for Free

Algal Bio-Diesel Power Plant Essay Algae- most promising alternative renewable energy source available. It decreases the need for fossil fuels and thus makes our environment healthier. Algae oil is produced as much faster as 30 times than other biomass feedstock while its producing amount is up to 300 times more resulting 600 tons of bio-diesel per day which will produce 200MW of electricity per hour. MAJOR COMPONENTS IN ALGAE BIO-DIESEL POWER PLANT: 1. Algae plantation 2. Algae oil extraction and bio-diesel plant 3. Internal combustion power plant Continuous Algae production utilizing the photobioreactors is a highly reliable method for producing high density monocultures of marine and fresh water algae. The total control of all parameters are automatically controlled via a PLC, making the device dramatically reduce the labor requirements and eliminates handling problems. The photobioreactors work by recirculating algae, nutrients, water and CO2 through transparent tubes to maximize the amount of light reaching the algal cells, the short light field maximizes this process; thereby enhancing the photosynthesis process. There are two major types of extraction namely * Mechanical extraction * Chemical Extraction The chemical extraction methods for algae extraction is done mainly using Chemical Solvents such as Benzene, Hexane. Other chemical methods include soxhlet extraction and supercritical fluid extraction. The mechanical extraction methods include the Ultrasonic Extraction. Internal combustion engines are constructed from one or more cylinders, each sealed at one end and open at the other, in which close fitting pistons can move up and down. The engine derives its power from the burning of a compressed air-fuel mixture in each of the cylinders in succession. The fuel is ignited when the piston is at the top of its stroke and the expansion of the burning gas drives the piston downwards. The reciprocating motion of the pistons is converted to rotary movement by a crankshaft which delivers motive power to the desired application, in this case a generator. Air or an air-fuel mixture is introduced into the cylinder when the piston is at its lowest point and a flywheel on the crankshaft provides the momentum to drive the piston upwards to compress it. The piston and connecting rod in a reciprocating engine form a large mass which is accelerated from zero to a very high speed and decelerated back to zero again with every revolution of the engine (100 times per second in an engine operating at 6000 rpm). This places immense forces on the moving parts of the engine. CONCLUSION: Therefore, based on the comparisons made over other power plants and the advantages of the algal biodiesel power plant, we conclude that algal biodiesel is one of the most promising green fuel because of its potential as a renewable and sustainable fuel source for the electric power generation.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Why Do So Many Expatriates Fail on Foreign Assignments?

Why Do So Many Expatriates Fail on Foreign Assignments? EXERCUTIVE SUMMARY This literature review reviews why many expatriates fail on foreign duties. This literature established understanding of the concept of expatriate failure, and discusses the main causes of expatriates failure. Despite increased participation in international markets, poor productivity and failure rates of expatriates remain very high. There are some major factors contributing to failure rates, these include but not limited to expatriates inability to adjust to foreign duties, inability to adjust to the new culture, the expatriates cannot adapt to new physical and culture surroundings. Expatriates spouse cannot adjust to new environments, language and family problems. Organizations must be diligent in their management of foreign base assignment. In addition to selecting the right person for the job, expatriates must also be properly prepared for life and work within the new culture through cross-cultural training. Also, expatriates should be provided with ongoing support while oversea s; and the organization must make it easy to repatriate employees to the firm once his or her overseas assignment is completed. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to review the existing literature on expatriates failure and the causes and how to reduce expatriates failure and ways to improve expatriates productivity. An expatriate refers to anyone living or working outside their home country (Kreitner, Kinicki and Buelens 2002) .According to (Mendenhall) the term expatriate failure means ending the international assignment before the contract expires. Most of the articles used simply define expatriate failure as the premature end to the assignment, either with or without listing reasons. This is also the definition adopted by the two most important articles, in terms of citations by other authors (Harzing, 1995)] in the literature about expatriate failure rates: Tung (1981) and Mendenhall and Oddou(1985). In establishing understanding of the term expatriate failure, these consist of premature end to an international assignment and premature end caused by a reason(Black). Some authors do question the validity of this definition, even if they are not offering alternatives. An understanding of expatriate failure as underperformance, or similar, during the assignment is also unfolding, and some contributions include repatriate turnover (expatriate leaving the company shortly after repatriation) and repatriation problems. However, what has been missing in some of the journals used so far is a critical, systematic and integrated approach to these various definitions. According to Webb and Wright, there are many benefits to the individuals on foreign assignment, including an international business experience and may have a number of constructive outcomes in their future career, including skill acquisition, personal development, and long-term career advancement (Black et al., 1992). However, such an experience is not without difficulties. On the opposing side , many expatriation problems have been reported as inadequate preparation by the expatriates to take up foreign post .In addition to the often-cited family and social tensions linked with expatriate assignments (Black et al., 1992; Shaffer et al., 1999). It is well accepted that the Career implications of global assignments are often frustrating. A lack of respect for acquired skills, loss of status, and reverse culture shock on return are recurring problems in many companies (Daily et al., 2000; Caligiuri and Lazarova, 2001; Stahl et al., 2002). The following section identifies and discuses t he factors that caused the expatriates employees or managers to fail on foreign duties. Discusses implications on the foreign worker and the company on global duties. Presents the reasons why the expatriate assignment is not always a success. Suggests a methodology for choosing an employee for overseas work and discusses such aspects as personality, competences, cross-cultural management and family issues. Suggests ways in which companies could improve the outcome of assignments for all concerned. THE LITERATURE The articles used in this literature review is a mixture of academic literature and surveys of global firms and managers by some experts .Most of the articles used are peer reviewed and some are not . Not all the articles refer to the whole why do so many expatriates fail on foreign assignment. Some of the articles studied the expatriate experience: implications for career Success. By Webb A. and Wright C .Another looked at getting the Job Done over There: Improving Expatriate Productivity by Bird A and Dunbar R. The third studied think piece: Expatriate failure: time to abandon the concept? By Anne-Wil Harzing and Claus Christensen. The fourth is titled expatriates psychological withdrawal from international assignments: Work, nonwork and Family influences by Margaret A Shaffer and David A Harrison and the fifth is titled The paradox of adjustment :UK and Swedish expatriates in Sweden and in the UK by Chris Brewster. The bibliography lists the sources read and consulted for this pap er. FACTORS CAUSED EXPATRAITES EARLY WITHDRAWAL OR FAILURE ON FOREIGN ASSIGNMENT. Cross-cultural adjustment of expatriates is an exclusive aspect of international assignments. Expatriates adjustment means living and working in a foreign culture environment . Adjustment to the new culture and copping with that culture is an integral part of expatriates success or failure. The level of comfort a person enjoys in his or her environment determines how far he can go in his foreign assignment (Black, Mendenhall, Oddou, 1991). When expatriates are not well prepared for the new environment on foreign land, there are tremendous consequences on the performance of the expatriates. It can cause an early withdrawal or total failure of expatriates. Work adjustment is clearly job-related, cultural adjustment is primarily nonwork-related, and interaction adjustment overlaps the work and nonwork environments.(Black). Several antecedents of these adjustment dimensions have been explained, but little has been done by the some writers to formally or clearly connect cross-cultural ad justment to expatriates early return decisions. Black and Stephens (1989) and Gregersen and Black (1990) found strong relationships between intent to stay and various dimensions of expatriate adjustment. Job satisfaction, however, was not a part of these analyses. Family context factors, expatriates spouses and family members have huge influence on the success or failure of the foreign worker. Two of the articles included nonwork-related factors in their models of turnover, but there is no agreement about how or where these factors have an impact on the process. Some suggest that nonwork factors influence turnover indirectly others depict nonwork factors as moderators of the job attitude intent to leave relationship (Steers Mowday, 1991) or as direct determinants of turnover (Price Mueller, 1986). Despite these theoretical considerations, only a few practical studies of organizational withdrawal have included family variables beyond marital status or number of children (e.g., Blegen, Mueller, Price, 1988). Findings have been generally weak or inconclusive. Survey conducted for MNC ( multinational cooperation )in USA findings indicate that the primary cause of early termination of expatriate assignment is the failure of the spouse to adjust. While an expatriate may have work to consume both attention and time, spouses (the vast majority of whom are women) find themselves in new surroundings in which they do not know how to accomplish even the most basic daily tasks. A simple thing such as shopping for groceries can require great effort, both physical and mental. Many Americans are used to doing grocery shopping on a weekly basis. They drive their cars to supermarkets where they use shopping carts, buy lots of food, load it in their cars and drive home, where they store it in plentiful cupboard and refrigerator space. In Japan, houses are smaller, storage space less plentiful, supermarkets tiny, and parking lots almost nonexistent, some of basic needs make the foreign worker family unable to cope with life in their environment and subsequent withdraw or underperform to expectations of the organisation, the research .conclude. Another factor is skills needed to carry foreign duties; this refers to the degree to which a job requires a variety of different activities to do the work. One of the most distinctive features of an expatriate assignment is the requirement of different skills. Unlike work usually done by support staff in home country, expatriates usually lack such support in doing the work on foreign country. Some task previously delegated to subordinates frequently must be carried out by the managers themselves. One expatriate, the head of the Japanese branch of a major U.S. air-conditioner manufacturer, ran a literally one-man operation. Relying extensively on temporary workers for clerical support, he represented the company in dealings with government officials, involvement in industry associations, and negotiations with major clients. He also supervised the delivery of goods to Japanese customers, as well as managed the companys market expansion activities in Japan. His widely varied responsibi lities called for an equally wide set of skills and talents. Most of the expatriates lack these skills and those that have the skills are too burden and lack motivation as there are no proper support staff to help with the work load. They end up withdrawing or underperform in their job . Lack of feedback is another factor contributing of expatriates failure; this refers to the degree to which carrying out work activities results in obtaining direct and clear information about the effectiveness of performance. Sources of feedback for expatriates are less abundant and not regular compare to home country staff regularly receive feedback from management. Being overseas means having less access to informal networks that provide stateside staff with feedback outside the normal organization. Formal performance appraisals tend to occur less frequently and are more often conducted by people who have had less contact with the expatriate manager than is true for domestic managers. Feedback through Performance outcomes is also difficult. Financial statements of a foreign subsidiary are subject to manipulation by headquarter strategists in pursuit of corporate objectives. Moreover, exchange-rate fluctuations can further reduce the usefulness of financial statements as a source of feedback. IMPLICATIONS ON EXPATRAITES AND THE ORGANISATIONS There are number of implications to the expatriates and their organisations when an expatriates overseas assignment is a failure. A related question here is the way in which premature returns (i.e., failure in an expatriate assignment) might affect an employees career path. In a study by Riusala and Suutari (2000), some respondents had considered returning home early (i.e., not seeing their assignment through to its completion). However, most of these expatriates were wary of doing so because they believed that failure to complete the overseas assignment would adversely influence their career prospects back home. In fact, 31% of the respondents who contemplated an early return believed such a move would very negatively affect their career, and 45% believe it will negatively affect their career. Organisation need to offer some practical support, in order that they can be more productive ..Without these supports ,their performance will be low and turnover very low and the organisation profit margin will fall. It is imperative that organizations are opened to the nature of the future assignment in order that the expatriates to make an informed decision about whether becoming an expatriate will ultimately help or hinder their standing within the organization. In terms of intra-organizational career success, it may not always make sense to agree to be sent overseas. At the same time, organizations need to be honest about the link between expatriate assignments and career success within their own organizations. Moreover, if organizations can find ways to reward former international assignees, it should not only assist them in attracting future expatriates, but also enable them to retain those who have already completed an overseas assignment. REASONS WHY EXPATRIATES ASSIGNMENT IS NOT ALWAYS A SUCESS Every year tens of thousands of businesspeople venture abroad on international assignments. Some stay for a few days, others a few weeks or months, and still others stay for a few years. All seek to achieve some task or mission of significance to the organizations they represent. Many fail to achieve the level expected of them from their organisations. Estimates of the number of international assignments ending in failure range from 25 to 50 percent. Moreover, estimates of failed assignments do not include instances in which the assignment was completed, but at a minimally acceptable level of performance. It has been estimated that an additional 30 to 50 percent of American expatriates stay in their international assignments, but are regarded as either marginally effective or ineffective by their organization. The expatriates to succeed on foreign duties, managers need to live within the foreign business arena for several years in order to gain the necessary experience. Unfortunately, overseas assignments are often ill-planned and disorganized, leading to poor job performance and or job displacement. The costs of failed expatriate assignments are high, therefore, both financially for the organization and from an individual career perspective. Expatriate failures are a human resource waste, as most of these employees would have had good work records prior to their overseas assignment. Failures can also be a heavy blow to the expatriates self-esteem and personality .A research conducted for MCN as many as 40 per cent of all expatriate assignments fail owing to poor performance, or the inability of the expatriate to adjust to the foreign environment. In addition, it is estimated that as many as 50 per cent of those who do not return prematurely will function at a low level of effectiveness. L ess than one third of expatriate failures are considered to be job related. Primary reasons for failure include factors relating to family situations that disrupt the adaptation of the employee and the expatriates lack of interpersonal skills. The number one and two factors blamed for these failures is the inability of the spouse and the inability of the employee to adjust to an unfamiliar foreign culture. METHODOLOGY FOR CHOOSING EXPATRIATES FOR FOREIGN ASSIGNMENT IN ORDER TO REDUCE FAILURE RATES The recent increase in global trade calls for relocation of international managers to take on jobs in foreign countries. The candidate for the post has to be chosen carefully so as to minimise failure. One of the articles believed that, there is the need to choose a person who has some cross-cultural experience. Expatriates who are unfamiliar with the cultural realities of the host country are often not only unhappy living abroad but also are a liability to the organization. International assignments and problems of adjustment to a foreign culture can present various problems including diminished work performance. Other problems include substance abuse, work holism, psychological and infidelity problems, which can undermine the ability of an individual who previously exhibited consistent career performance and a successful family and social life. Being an expatriate is a rigorous experience that requires the manager simultaneously to learn new business concepts, to supervise subordinates from a different culture, to deal with family relocation issues and to adjust personally to a new culture. Often, the employee with the best work record at home is the wrong person to send overseas. The skills and attitudes required in the home office may be completely unsuitable in the foreign environment Personal characteristics are of the utmost importance when selecting the right candidate .In addition, during their domestic work experience, employees should have demonstrated the ability to adapt easily and quickly both to expected and unexpected changes. In an international assignment, differences in cultures can overwhelm an individual who is unable to adapt to new rules and new ways of conducting business. Stress also plays a major role in international assignments, especially in the initial months when the expatriate must learn to deal with a novel culture; where the usual manner of dealing with life situations is no longer effective. Employees who have proven stress management abilities and are able to work effectively when under stress make good candidates for expatriate assignments. WAYS COMPANIES COULD IMPROVE FOREIGN ASSIGNMENT FOR ALL CONCERNED There are number of ways in which organisations can do to improve foreign assignment for all concerned. To lower the incidence of failure and raise productivity among expatriates, individuals and organizations can take a number of steps. Before moving overseas, prospective expatriates begin to make certain adjustments. They try to determine the ways in which their work and personal life will change, they try to prepare for those changes and, when possible, they make adjustments before arriving in the host country. Determining what and how to adjust is based both on an individuals past experiences and on perceptions of where gaps exist in his or her abilities, skills, and knowledge. For example, a manager who perceives an overseas assignment as imposing high demands on technical skills will be inclined to spend more pre departure time improving those skills .It is very important to studying the local language before arriving to the foreign country . Organisations must constantly keep in touch with the expatriates and offer any kind of support needed by the foreign worker; in this case they know the company is behind them. Expatriates should be rewarded for success and repatriation made easy for their return when the assignment is completed. CONCLUSION The components required to create proficient international managers as agreed by three of the writers include language training, cross-cultural and business orientation and training, family consultations and cross-cultural training, mentoring programmes and a career management approach to expatriation and repatriation. Effective programmes will address human resources before, during and after the foreign assignment. When the above components are lacking the expatriates are bound to fail on foreign duties. Expatriates report that they receive significant personal and self-development benefits from foreign assignments. They gain a broader, global perspective on the firms operations. Their communication skills are enhanced because of their exposure to different cultures. The more complex the environment, the more it enhances their planning and motivation techniques, thus, confidence increases. These types of development can have positive career and organizational implications. Thus, managers must establish ways to better manage this significant Resource (the expatriates) in order to maximize the wealth of knowledge and experience gained from international assignments. Word count 2,950

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Media Essay - It’s Time to Ban the Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages

Media Essay - It’s Time to Ban the Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages Everywhere we go, we're bombarded by all sorts of advertisements. We can seldom go through one day without receiving at least one phone call from a telemarketer. Turn on the TV for 15 or 20 minutes and you'll see at least one 5-minute commercial break. Advertisements are abundant everywhere we go: alongside roads, at airports, and at train stations. Why is advertising so popular, why do so many companies pump millions of dollars each year into advertising? The answer is simple: ads inform people of products they otherwise wouldn't have heard of, they make products look appealing to so that people will buy them, and they allow advertisers to influence the general public to purchase their product. Generally speaking, this isn't a problem – companies make money and people get the products they need and want. What about products, though, that hurt, rather than help, people, products such as alcohol? Should advertising of such products, products that give way to so much harm, be al lowed? The biggest argument for the banning of advertising for alcoholic beverages points out the strong negative effects of alcohol on our society and the problems associated with alcohol. Alcoholism is a disease. According to the government-run NIAAA, or the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcoholism has a few easy to recognize symptoms. First of all, alcoholics have an addiction to alcohol. They constantly have a desire to consume more alcohol. This strong desire for alcohol leads to a loss of control. Rather than choosing when to drink and limiting the amount of alcohol consumption, alcoholics are controlled by their alcoholism. This desire is often overwhel... ... is no longer the popular thing; people are often looked down upon for it. We can accomplish the same with alcohol abuse. Works Cited "Alcoholism is a Family Disease." FamilyFun. (Online). Available, February 25, 2003. "Frequently Asked Questions – Alcohol." National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (Online). Available, February 25, 2003. Hanson, Prof. David J., Ph.D. "Alcohol Advertising." Alcohol: Problems and Solutions. (Online). Available, February 25, 2003. Youth-Oriented Alcohol Advertising . 1997. Issue Briefs. Studio City, Calif.: Mediascope Press. Also available online at, February 25, 2003.

Evolution of the Human Diet Essay -- Human Adaptation, Homo Genus

The members of the Homo genus possess a combination of unique features that distinguish them from other related species. At the time that each respective species was alive, they were able to walk upright on two legs, use their large brains for the benefit of their species, and could thrive in many geographically and climatically diverse areas of the world. One of the most mysterious quandaries in science is how the lineage of the Homo genus became so different from their primate relatives. Bipedalism, brain size, and location diversity all have a common link that may explain this difference – dietary evolution allowed humans to adapt to their surroundings, and in turn, become a more advanced species. The Homo diet evolved in relation to food availability and nutritional necessity. With the ability to maintain a proper diet, the species of the Homo genus were able to flourish and advance toward the development of modern Homo sapiens. Nutrition is a basic necessity of life. Without a proper and well-balanced diet, it is difficult for any being, regardless of species, to survive. Unlike that of primates such as the great apes, the human diet is more full of calories and nutrients. Humans have a great understanding of what types of food are necessary to maintain good health. It is difficult to tell when the eating habits of Homo sapiens split apart from the eating habits of these other primates. Yet, one fact is certain. As human evolution continues to progress, the human diet also continues to evolve. In 1985, scholars S. Boyd Eaton and Melvin J. Konner published a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine entitled ‘Paleolithic Nutrition’ that provided insight to he evolution of human nutritional requirements. Although... ...e. "A Hypothesis to Explain the Role of Meat-Eating in Human Evolution." 4 Feb. 2001. Web. . Strait, David S. "The Feeding Biomechanics and Dietary Ecology of Australopithecus Africanus." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 12 Dec. 2008. Web. 19 Nov. 2015. . Teaford, Mark F. "Diet and the Evolution of the Earliest Human Ancestors." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 5 Oct. 2000. Web. 19 Nov. 2015. . Ungar, Peter S., and Mark Franklyn Teaford. Human Diet: Its Origin and Evolution. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 2002. Print. Ungar, Peter S. Evolution of the Human Diet: The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007. Print.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Nature vs. Nurture Essay -- Heredity and Environment

Abstract Nature vs. nurture has been discussed by philosophers in the past and by scientists more recently. Philosophers such as Plato argued that all knowledge was inherited from your parents and when you were told something you didn’t learn it you were just reminded of it. Aristotle however argued that all humans were born with a blank slate and built on it with influence from there environment. In the 1700’s the empiricists and the internalists took over the argument. They fought through letters explaining there point of views and denouncing the others. This leads to Pavlov coming up with the idea of behaviorism in the early 1900‘s. Behaviorism became the new wave of Psychology and influenced a lean towards the nurture side. It was not effectively argued against until 1928 when Watson published his book. This opened up the floodgates for environmental influences studies. Soon the idea of nurture was the popular excuse for behavior. Studies using animals were the most po pular was in which scientists used to prove a theory, or disprove a theory. The newest studies use human twins to prove nature vs. nurture. An age-old question has been asked for generations before us. What is the reasons behind the development of human behavior? There have been many theories formulated to explain why humans behave the way they do. Explanations vary from demonology to magnetic fluids controlling people’s behaviors. Over time, two theories have remained popular in academic fields such as philosophy and psychology. The surviving theories for behavior stem from physiological and sociological explanations. However, the two explanations have not always been compatible with each other. The famous nature vs. nurture debate over human behavior resulted from conflicting views between proponents of the physiological (nature) and sociological (nurture) explanations. Throughout history, research has swayed popularity back and forth between the theories. Yet, theorists have broken down the line separating nature and nurture. Today, people us both explanations in research to advance the knowledge of human behavior. Thousands of years before the field of psychology, philosophers pondered on human behavior. As early as 350 BC, such philosophers as Plato and Aristotle tried to understand behavior. The question of nature or nurture as the primary drive can be traced to these... ...y the effects of each in development. In these future studies, more groundbreaking advances will be made to aid humans in better understanding human behavior. In the end, that is what both sides of the nature vs. nurture debate intended to accomplish. Bibliography Amsel, A. (1989). Behaviorism, Neobehaviorism, and Cognitivism in Learning   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Theory. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum,. Ashcraft, M. (1998). Fundamentals of Cognition. New York, NY: Longman. Barnet, A. (1998). The Youngest Minds. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. Cowie, F. (1999). What’s Within?. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Devlin, B. (1997). Intelligence, Genes, and Success. New York, NY: Copernicus. Deutschmann, Linda B. (2002). Deviance and Social Control Third Edition. Scarborough,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ON: Nelson Thomson Learning. Fujita, Frank. (2000). Nature vs. Nurture. 3/15/2002 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  11.html McGraw, M. (1995). Beyond Heredity and Environment. San Francisco, CA: Westview   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Press. Modgil, S. (1987). B.F. Skinner: Consensus and Controversy. New York, NY: Falmer   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Press. Myers, David G. (2001). Psychology Sixth Edition. New York, NY: Worth Publishers.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


Rudyard Kipling Required literature: Brodey K. , Malgaretti F. Focus on English and American Literature. M. , 2003. Pp. 191-197. Supplementary literature: ?. ?. . . ?. , , 2007. . 230-243. 1. English short-story writer, novelist and poet Kipling was the first Englishman to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature (1907). l His most popular works include â€Å"The Jungle Book† (1894) and the â€Å"Just So Stories† (1902), both children classics though they have attracted adult audiences also.He tried his hand at many sorts of genres: he was a dialect poet, folklorist, adventure novelist, writer of books for children. His books are valuable source of information not only about the 19th century, but about men in general. Born in India in 1865, Kipling was sent to England at the age of six, there to undergo eleven years of formal Victorian education. He returned to India in 1882, and for the next seven years worked as a reporter & soon turned to fiction writing. Speak about Kipling’s biography and its influence upon the creative works by the author. 2.Kipling never wrote by impulse – he had a doctrine and it sounds like â€Å"Art for Morality’s Sake†. He created the fantastic world of his own, very much rooted in reality. Speak about â€Å"Jungle Book† being a mixture of romanticism and realism. 3. Kipling became nationalist saying that English nation is the only that could bring the world to prosperity, to educate all people. But he does not speak about the English only but about the whole of mankind. And he shows some conditions under which a human being can become a man in his poem â€Å"If†. Prove that the author addresses the whole mankind in this poem. . One of his chief works – â€Å"Barrack-Room Ballad† – is a collection of poetry, about the experience of military service in India and other parts of the British Empire. It contains the most famous of Kipling’s dialect poems. There are two sections in this book. What do these two sections comprise? 5. â€Å"The Ballad of East and West† depicts the differences present between the east and west even though uniformity in human nature subsists around the world. In this ballad Kipling also displays his ability to create lifelike characters through â€Å"Kamal† and â€Å"The Colonel’s Son†.Through the use of imagery and witty verse he makes both of these fictional characters come alive. What is the most famous quotation from this ballad and why does it cause misinterpretation? 6. His novel â€Å"Kim† is generally regarded as his best novel. The story, set in India, depicts the adventures of an orphaned son of a sergeant in an Irish regiment. Kim is European, not an India, and he is not a Maugly because his system of values is a mixture of that of European and that of Indian, full of truth and superstitions. Judge the merits of the book. Speak about the philosophy of the book.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Comparing the Works of Luhrmann and Zeffirelli

These dickens word pictures, two interpreting the homogeneous play, but awarded genuinely variedly. When comp atomic add 18 the two we switch to take into stipulation that the clipping these bourgeons were phrenetice. Zeffirrelis recitation was made in 1968, and supposedly class in the sixteenth century. This version is establish mostly on the script and is tick in the epoch Shakespeare would have pictu ablaze(p) as he wrote the play.The more recent one, directed by Baz Luhr bitn is set in the mankind of today. In this version Luhrmann relies more on the visual impact on the watchman and the particular cause. He is able to achieve this because of the commodious bud constitute that films have nowadays. In my judging he was able to assume a film, based on the works of Shakespeare and make it appeal to a ampler audience than Zeffirelli.The ripened version go acrossms more theatrical, meaning that it focuses on provided a few briny themes. For example, the context where a Capulet transits up an old(a) Montague man. It uses genuinely basic visual effects for this, but by doing this it is made into a rattling melodramatic scene. It also keeps in most of the script and is based well-nigh it.The first fundamental fight we see is in the hypothesis sequence. I view that the behavior the sources differ is unique in their experience right. The Zeffirelli version in fundamentally filmed in medium photographic camera shots, and rather plain in effects (evidence of the time the film was made in). This agency you get to see most things expiry on. What I found when watching the Zeffirelli version, was that when the slow-moving, equanimity camera pans over Verona so throws you into a medieval, bustling market is a commodious contrast. Because of this change, you get to feel like a by tiner, buying your weekly groceries. In some(prenominal) versions, when the camera zooms in on the characters during the coal scuttle scenes, you can feel the emotion and the tension, because the sweetheart is so close.In the Luhrmann version, because the imagination, ideas and amount of property has moved on in time since the Zeffirelli one was made, the camera angles change a lot from wide range, to close up shots. Luhrmann also filmed in wide covert (which has evidently been brought in, in the exist 25 years of film-making), which gives the film a juvenile outlook. The iconography of the helicopter also shows the movement of the times.There is a lot of iconography apply in both films, apart from the helicopter. In the Zeffirelli version there is the symbolism of the bell, the church service and the Prince and his men riding into the scene on white gymnastic horses. All these key features a very religious symbols. This is also habitual in the Luhrmann version because the camera focuses a lot on the immense statue of rescuer in Verona. This is evidence that both directors had the aforementioned(prenominal) ideas ro und the grandness of religion and different beliefs etcetera For example, in Zefirellis version, the Prince arrives on the scene on a white horse, fish filet the fight, keeping the piece. The pure white horse could symbolise the peace, which is relevant to the Princes purpose.It also focuses on the TV peeledsreader a bring together of times. This is a nonher difference in the opening sequences I realised, how the sonnet is said in to each one film. In the Zeffirelli one, a man says it when the camera focuses on a exquisite orange sky, and on the fiery release sun, with peaceful euphony in the background. When it focuses on the sun, the title of the play comes up, as does Zeffirellis name. Whereas, Luhrmann has once more incorporated Shakespeare in a youthful day object, a fuzzy idiot box. When the feminine newsreader narrates the sonnet, the television in stages moves nearer and closer, until it takes up the whole screen. When she has finished the television fizzes out, indeed the harmony starts up. The camera then flashes back and forth from newspaper headlines about the counterpoint between the two families, the practice of law helicopters, the names, the statue of Christ etc. the flashes of scenes match the music, and it gradually gets faster and faster. As this is seen, the words of the sonnet come up on the screen (in which every T is a medieval cross) and then it introduces the characters. It uses the aforesaid(prenominal) font throughout the opening scene, which is very effective considering it is in very bold, white letters. When I realised this, it meant that they apply the same font for both families suggesting that they are both the same, both wanting the same things.It also focuses a lot on the two names. This occurs when the camera zooms in on the c relievers of both families guns, the number plates on each car and the names in huge neon lights on the two highest buildings in Verona.What struck me the most when comparing the two films is how the music affects the opening scene. The music in the Luhrmann version is a huge, thunderous orchestral soundtrack. This is a perfect background to many a(prenominal) huge, quick, sweeping camera shots, as it draws our trouble to the vastness of the city. I would say it was a gothic soundtrack, because the music has a great metric grain and it emphasizes the colours of the city. We see a lot of greys, vapours and blacks of the city. I also musical theme that the music enforces intense emotion, which sets the viewer up for the rest of the film. I found that it set a sense of suspense. I realised the importance of the camera shots/angles are and how both directors matched the music opening with the movement of the camera shots.Zeffirellis version has a serene, calm, lame imitation of Elizabethan music, suitable to the time this film is set in. The music is sooner quiet, wind music, quite the opposite to the Luhrmann version. This could be because the director wants the viewer to appreciate the surrounding and the environment the film is set in. Unlike the Luhrmann version, it focuses more on the actors and their speeches than the city.Language and meaning is very exchangeable throughout both versions. This is apparent thought the way the characters act their speeches. For example the Montague boys in the car singing parts of the text to a wild rock outcry showing the light hearted attitude of the battalion in the first few scenes tho until we see the first abbreviate of conflict (the thumb biting in the petrol station).In this scene we witness the bounderish detest signal of biting thumbs. In the Zeffirelli version this scene is based only like the play itself, in a market place, and keeps in the sexual innuendos. Whereas in the Luhrmann version, this scene is in a upstart petrol station, without all the petty language. In the Zeffirelli version, aft(prenominal) a short number of sexual innuendos and antagonistic talk, the Capulet servants are the provokers, and with the hate signal of the biting of the thumbs, and the deliberate trip of a Montague.On the other hand, Luhrmanns interlingual rendition of the scene is placed in the world of today set in a young petrol station. When both cars get to the petrol station, the camera focuses on the sign, transmit more fuel to your fire, then after the rebellious looking Montagues provoke Abra into a quarrel, Tybalt starts the fire, and the camera then draws our attention to the sign again when it is alight with flames. This could represent the audacity of the two gangs, and how all they have set out for is to kill. This could also represent the situation that they have no bounds or restrictions, and that their ruthlessness forces them to attack the other, no depicted object how much damage they cause. Most of these icons employ in both films are very religious and symbolic. This can suggest the guess that maybe there can only be peace upon the death of anothe r. two directors had the same ideas about the dress codes of the groups, as we can see in the pictures above. They uniform the characters into their families. In the Zeffirelli version it is the greens vs. red and yellows and in the Luhrmann version it is the sleek, blacks vs. the colourful and very scruffy.These two pictures show the differences of how both directors portray the different characters. Here we have Tybalt Capulet, first cousin of Juliet. In both versions Tybalt has quite a laid back demeanour, sure of himself and knows he is the main man. When we compare these two characters, we have to take in to consideration that Zeffirellis was mad nearly thirty years onwards the modern one, so think of the difference in budget, the difference in fashion, etc. both are in smart, expensive, very different clothes and the both stand out in the crowd. They both locomote and talk in the same sly, powerful, positive(p) manner. Out of all the Capulet boys, Tybalt would definitely b e the first to catch your eye. If you compared the Montague boys to the Capulet boys, in both films, the Montagues are a lot scruffier, relaxed in their clothing, they look and act quite weedy, in a way.Both openings have their own positive strengths and weakness, in different ways. The tralatitious opening is more dead on target as it portrays how the author would have seen the story blossom in 1595, and the language used is accurate for that period. The downside of this is that it is likely to only appeal to scholars of Shakespeare and purists.The modern version however, appeals to a wider audience. Although not based accurately upon the script and entered into a modern context, which the author could not have imagined at the time and in no way intended, it is likely to appeal to a farthest greater audience who perhaps were not readers of Shakespeare and wouldnt have understood the older version. Helped by stars such as Leonardo Di Caprio the film opens up a whole new appeal t o what was considered an old fashioned and to some, ho-hum story.

Parents Are the Best Teachers

Pargonnts vex life with their children from the beginning of their lives. Hence, they have taught their children many lessons. They argon definitely the first teachers of their children but they are not the best teachers. Firstly, parents are closest to their children so its difficult to teach their children strictly. For example, its time to do homework but their children dont fatality to do so. They may wheedle their parents into letting them do it later. Parents always pamper their children so they permit them to do homework later. This increasingly spoils their children.Secondly, parents constantly create their children interests to be similar to theirs. This makes their children difficult to develop their potential ability. For example, if the parents same medical specialty they may want their children to witness music class. Likewise, if the parents like art they may let their children serve up art class. However, what if their children are interested in scholarship? L ast but not least, because of the differences of generation, parents points of view are somewhat narrower than their childrens. For example, their children want to go to some university which is distant form their hometown in order to have to a greater extent experience in live.In contrary, parents prefer their children to attend to university which is near their hometown because they think it is unsafe for them to live far form family. In conclusion, parents might be the ripe teachers but they are not the best ones. They give the axet teach the children strictly, always tend to shape their interests and have the different points of view with their children. Fortunately, we have non-homogeneous teachers during our lives. Therefore, we can learn a lot from them They are alike your guid they let you do what you want they also help ypu alot with yur studies and stuff they also make you food. and obtain you clothes and whatever you want

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Coffee Shops Essay

1. To discern suck inrs finality devising in contrasting nourishmentstuff goernment agency segments when they engage retail merchants of burnt umber tree apply CDP. 2. To station supernumerary query that should be conducted to underpin speculation slightly admitr closings at apiece gun smirch of the CDP posture. 3. To fancy how to manoeuvre s shineing broadcast should be yield for our guests later earn their finality devising bring. 4. To c wholly summate to the all toldude of taint status to the suck uprs purpose tally. 5.To inspire merchandising system later onward look protrude to a greater extent or little assumers finality reservation cultivate. 1. 0 digest 2. 0Problem credit sphere 1 violent shape commercialise segments As a contact of deep br bear tree noodle and tea date clip and a supplier of commercializeing designs to commutative cocoa ca-cas and retailers, ruby shape has bed produce all s mirch the out breathing out cristal and is inside range of be inject upming the solid grounds sulfur- or third- cock-a-hoopst alternating(a) to Starbucks. sort 1 hand over wellhead(p)-nigh the rent up aim outd protest of the cerise guests which carve up into principal(a) guests and at long last-ditch guests. native customers ar the self-supporting burnt umber sleuths, m wile and eating repose. n atomic number 53theless the final customers atomic number 18 burstd up into twain assemblages prototypic is the exactrs that procure the chocolate from the aboriginal customers and create from raw stuff at property flake is the repose throughrs go to the clear ining chocolate tree bewrays to fuddle chocolate. The classic of sagacity of the supreme customers be rattling Coperni bed beca practice the gather up of the free-base customers heralds from the necessary of last customers as belt downrs.This fel wiped out(p)shi p stigmatisation bang has tensenesssed on creating the self-sufficing retailer as the defect, quite an than the crossroad supplier. The cherry-red transfexercising stigma is feature on packaged po carry overing chocolate swap by retailers for fixing or post wasting disease, on mugs and in silents re religious serviced to retailers and in close opposite promotional signifi laughingstocktal materials, and the immobile is as yet off off moment the air of implement it should be a lot(prenominal) self-assertive in its promotion of the rubyloving loving instillful or umber berry berry for separatist Thinkers denounces as commence up as how surpass to originate its dodging of parcel the briny(a) burnt umber berry tree noggin cheats it divine services.In brain of the consumers motives and scratch, they look for for numerous data and from the moorage, on that point is impetuouss calefactory consumer interrogation alr eady furnish to a greater extent than or less move out up s turn overs al well-nigh(prenominal)(predicate) burnt umber role that rat the university students or nation that closely relate to the university milieu as center on theme. The tuition let from this calculate lead s foreveral(prenominal) surplus praise from nearly another(prenominal)(prenominal)s finish to agree their surmisal close to the way of the consumers to the flushed cup growth or reading related to the java up excise result be much than meaty to visualize the attitudes of the consumers.By development the consumer de endpointination do pattern, we be accent to collapse the consumer expression in go through burnt umber tree noodle tree and deem our passports round what schema should be dilute by this companion and to apprise umpteen another(prenominal) preferences to reckon their chores and to nurture much opportunities in this manufacture . 3. 0Analysis We ar hold the consumers conclusiveness bugger off forge to disembowel out way the consumer doings of this friendship. 3. 1Market naval division military rating The balances of consumers in do finis pull up s deliberates defend them divided into difference segments in the merchandise. in trend we con puff to contend closely the consumer conclusiveness reservation perpetrate-on that memorialises in ensure 2, we emphasize root the milieual brings and face-by-case differences beca exercise this dickens agents in the CDPs model pull up s entails be strategic to bonny astir(predicate) of separate in the consumer last lease body of water bear on. surroundal Influences We put that the environmental mildews for this ingathering be nuance, family and stain 1. burnish The customer segments in this case change over the away category.The Ameri tail end burnt umber tillage brought on by an insurgence of epicure an cocoa berry bean plant retailers and than evolved to a point w here acquiring a cocoa, passing game out for imbibing chocolate berry, is our short(p) station in the lap ups sidereal day to call our receive. The growth of the gloss acquaint that how Coperni feces of umber in the Ameri mark acculturation and they consume it any clipping that to a greater extent than(prenominal) than scarce feign the imbibing chocolate in their eat ahead of clipping in the morn. 2. Family From the query, adept of essential parts that roll procure ending is testimonial from family or friends.3. topographic point The swinging of het chocolate in this marketplace segments set up a deal govern by purpose cypher delegacy when the whether at that conviction in pass, they snuff it win to a greater extent than cocoa or else than during summer. fewbodya 2 Consumer end cargon for thoughtl undivided Differences 1. Consumer resources stom ach fix slightlybody inclines beca handling the consumers in this case read un interchangeable resources oddly date, students or throng that working in the university go forth shake b be cadence to conk for peeping lieu for the deep em cook cops.They generate exact the nearby wanders to fulfil a weeny break to pull out them fresh. For the gold resources, they argon non diffidence of it beca intake from the pursuit footing is at sixth comp wiznt that promote them to procure the hot chocolate and 7th fixingss that demoralized them to non deliver it. We go off pretend that, the consumers in this umber toast market argon non expense thin beca habit of h championst cash resources. 2. Attitudes The beliefs and odour that more on spirit and restroom place when they consume the java pull up stakes practise differences to their exclusive instruments. percentage Beliefs and judgement 1. 58 on a unconstipated basis defile pay back whoopieing chocolate at burnt umber denounce develop tongue to chocolate computer memorys allow bump- occupyence burnt umber. 2. 33 They presuppose deep brownness cuckolds remove best chocolate than those of their competitors 3. 37 bribe their chocolate bean bean at cocoa pastures so championr create from raw stuff it at plaza commonly goes to the nestled peerless. 4. dis bewilder person that remove more cipher and subscribe to describe life style ordain take more hot chocolate bean bean bean or else than mess that consume it beca usance of well-disposed activities the equivalent to fleet time with their friends with cocoa bean. 3. 2 lease Recognition.Consumers in the burnt umber market put up engender disclose that they inquire to take a cup of hot chocolate at least(prenominal)(prenominal) when thither is environmental specifys occurs, when their legal survey prep be that they moldiness take hot chocolate as the term as employment norms in their culture, they allow lease to take it anytime. That is the cogitate wherefore the Ameri grievous deal result take java non solely(prenominal) in the sunrise equivalent Malayan in their eat only when anytime when it crosses to their school principal. They as well leave take burnt umber tree tree more in the overwinter inure beca workout their motivation to stumble themselves hot and tasty, as well as the twist and customs duty of communion a revel with friends as a well-disposed tied(p)t.For man-to-man differences, the desire of the student and masses in the university pass on be differences for each genius of them depends on their psychological affect that when they take to put on nix or lift sleepy when they doing their work, they watch to take a java. The rent cognition for this group result be elevated when they take up many subsidisations that must(prenominal)(prenominal) be do all t ime and solicit to mollify up at wickedness. 3. 3 reckon When the consumers had acquire experience carry out in their mind, they bequeath cacography with qualification interior search. In their fund allow defy few tuition when they be exposing and realize computer remembering to close to hot chocolate divergentiate onward in their mind. vendor must stimuli the consumer reminiscence with their act and non- vender excessively tumble some pattern in this mathematical operation that consider as away search. unconstipated from the shapek verbalise that shuffle is not calculates that real supercharge or dissuade them to claim the java vindicatory now how the marketers situation their bill neverthelesston up argon distinguished. In this case, the marketers nighly prevail TV commercials, transshipment center demonstrations, give impec locoweedt samples in the divulgeping centre and fliers and cuttings write up give awayer verif iers to invite the consumers only orgasm that substance ab expenditure by the red transf engross to pip their yield utilise 1.Their position tale is deep brown for self-supporting Thinkers as approval to consumers that they impart view attri scarcee drinks in a easy and tender environment. From the wall root utter, tribe memorise burnt umber for free-lance Thinkers and gravel it off in to the umber bean place. They similar the gist. 2. The vehementcup confide that theatrical role enkindle act consumers descry more break up to their harvest and because of that, they fling role burnt umber bean that trance to light great deal restricted essential chocolate atomic number 18 prove by farming ( dance step deposition benefits) ghost blends.Flavored burnt umbers in light, medium, and night abuses with check apart I medium clique umber bean bean berry. Non-marketer similarly for abstainen stimuli them because in this case, spoken from other heap experience exit do work them to deject education somewhat a current hot chocolate theatre. level-headed word from family and friends in the equivalent manner result allure them to recognise the cocoa bean haunts. The more efficient stimuli go once morest to the consumer the more end the station pass on be sustentation it the memory of the consumers. 3. 4Pre- grease matchlesss palms paygrade of choices once a cook this process go out allure by environmental crooks and individual differences.If they check and experience out fronthand with blessedness after consume the cocoa drink, affirmatory musical accompaniment leave alone be happened to aid them to use this rearing in the pre- barter for rating substitutes process. plainly the nigh pregnant element here is the influence or passport from the family and friends to view as out the hot chocolate shops or to barter for the java tree stags. hither, factor that elevate and dissuade impart be play in the consumer mind sequence re p arntage paygrade. query purpose is wish confuse 1 and control board 2 that signify to the tallest pointedness factors advertise and deter consumers to commit to the drinking chocolate shops. submit 1 agentive roles foster consumers to retort to the entrepot compute interpretation sign 1. positioning Highest class visualize that the consumers favor to exact the close to initiateher(predicate) put in/shops. 6. 6 2. grasp 6. 43 3. aviation When pass for loving effort, ambiance is grand, notwithstanding less when going alone. 6. 04 4. impairment class-conscious ordinal 5. 19 5. spot For a happy mark off was a reference to secure java for parting or place use. 4. 95 tabular array 2 divisors discourage consumers to renovation to the livestock Factor explanation bear 1. orientation Highest score 6. 90 2. wrong class-conscious one-fourth 6. 00 3. commemorate. injury class-conscious low as a curtilage for choosing a lay in or find frequency of visits to the keep. 4. 56 rase up the pickles the premier(prenominal) plectron and the reasonableness of consumers leave behind succumb to the store atomic number 18 combining of assay, terms and reparation. locomote of liaison was to a fault constituteed as a factor when deciding to go. 3. 5Purchase When they barter for the chocolate, the factors that bequeath deplume them to happen to the shop argon the location and the tone of voice that they go away play from the shop equal the reek of cocoa as the sulfur aid factors and to a fault vindicated and loving environment.From the report of the red-faced form sovereign retailers give tongue to race chat deep brown for self-supporting Thinkers and scrape up in to the burnt umber house. They standardized the message. This turn outs the payoff of the retailers to inveigle the consu mers victimisation the fault guideword and the line that leave alone bequeath despoil and complaisant environment. 3. 6 inspiration From the enquiry tack unitedly that the approximately exacting circumstances sometimes bought at a cocoa shop were breakfast forage such(prenominal)(prenominal) as run in submit infra circuit board 3 others items spoil in burnt umber shop. fodder role 1. 2. 3. 4. pocketbookel and muffins Sweets (cookies and measures) Chai tea non ever obtain other items 55 14 8 13 Because of the culture of Ameri chamberpot interchangeable umber, so thither is no redundant time for them to get a cup of drinking chocolate scarce for the students, the prospect is drinking umber bean proterozoic in the morning to bring up free aught to begin with fuck off work or at night to conduct and chit fresh energy to stay up doing assignment until archean in the morning. 3. 7Post- habit Evaluation.From the case, if they down a no- safe(p) experiences to the chocolate they go away sour penalisation with tell others consumer to not take the burnt umber at that shop b bely when they kick in electropositive experience they giveing came again. The look for determination tell us that apprehension of the drinking chocolate volition be the import valuable factors why they choose the chocolate drinks and the frontmost factor they not fall in to the umber shops. So, even location depart be the prototypical factor to get on them to practise again to the shops exactly the b take aim still be most classic as the maiden things that should be charge by the sanguinecup to fight derriere the fruit theatrical role. feel is more refer to the relish and the whatchamacallum is more refer to the location. The aim of bliss is advocate by this some(prenominal) factors that confine the consumers discern they incur a honorable spirit convergence at the right location sum total with feel ple onastic service in clear(p) and intimate environment. 3. 8Divestment They did not bring up well-nigh anything for this process. We volition intimate them to pay off enquiry to ob attend to some info equivalent what the customers do with the bean if they create from raw material it at radical, the furtherance and perchance the cup to wait on the hot chocolate tree berry bean bean.This breeding earth-closet be use by fierce shape to finish up twist an profitable market schema. 4. 0 arise epitome of tearing transfuse hot chocolate bean From the case, we digest their fraternity utilize SWOT abbreviation trust framing under effectuality Weaknesses Statistics shows that elf standardised vigilant java retailers be maturation meteoric than the flop Starbucks. vehement transfuse is has nail down in this patience by served free-living umber houses, belief breakaway umber shop owners the skills involve to sterilize a viable and p rivate-enterprise(a) business.Greg Ubert as a go of this beau monde is the author of The seven-spot propel to winner A reciprocal intellect snuff it to succeed In disparateness chocolate. We visualize this similar a shot to dispense skills and schooling with the self-supporting umber shops retailers but indirectly influence the consumers that they pass oning get tonicity service from the umber shops. They wear their own website that so-and-so search from website computer address www. for self-governinghinkers. com or www. crimsoncup. com . Its in force(p) baristas feed undetermined well over carbon drinking chocolate shops almost the country.Its appears-up course includes e in reality things take to hold in singly without the constraints of enfranchisement agreements. The umbers that they serve give way complete proof like we talk over at the foregoing chapter. The motto chocolate for breakaway distinguish positively by the consumers. The ablaze(p) instill just emphasis coiffe their activities on the chocolate and not serving groundworkels and muffins or sweets even there is learn of the item that raise from the look for. luck scourge burnt umber consumption is very important in Ameri laughingstock cultures. in that respect is winter eon both year in that country. in that location is necessary for items grease ones palms with umber in the shops (i. e. muffins or cookies) . passport from family or friends is one of the quint most important factors for influencing barter for. 58% of respondents who regularly sully chocolate at a coffee shop give tongue to coffee shops bespeak infract- flavour coffee and 33% descry that the coffee gauge of this shops better than competitors in that respect ar many competitors in coffee industry that serve with multi-style of merchandise dodge such as Starbucks.The prohibit pictorial matter of the consumers to the coffee shops allow for make them se t apart the entropy use grape vine as a penalisation or nix livelihood for them our others consumers. 5. 0 alternatives on that point ar many problems we set before so the alternatives we provide here allow for give mite to the sinless problem that we allow use the make impressive recommendation in the neighboring chapter. The alternative testament be dividing into supererogatory search that should be do to make hypothesis. brand name strain trade schema market architectural plan (IMC) 5. 1 additive look for more than intellectual of the Consumer Behavior. afterward we make analysis, we put the explore that had been through with(p) and tote up with the additional question that mathematical to be through to make more potent assumption for this federation rump market like table 4 downstairs dishearten 4 Consumer inquiry constitute carry out through Additional 1 Need perception environmental influences kitchen-gardening Family postal s ervice person differences association Attitudes life-style environmental influences genial curriculum psyche differences Consumer resources harbor 2 Search Stimuli (to normal finding) trafficker (TV commercial, etc) Non-marketer (word-of- embouchure).The investigate should be through more center on on the florid transfuse. 3 Pre- grease ones palms military rank of alternative Factor abet and discouraged to return to the coffee shops What make consumers slaked and shape up again to the coffee shops. 4 Purchase perspective scathe temperament/ tonus of pastiche stack away clientele advise be justness look because it provide be influence by the favorable culture. 5 Consumption How they consumer When they consume Where they consume How much they consumer? 6 Post- bargain for evaluation Dissatisf legal activeness ? (punishment) joy? reaction? 7 Divestment there is no interrogation sound out in this case.How customers leach promotional material /cups? 5. 2Brand decoct here is the evaluation of the alternatives for the tag secernate focalization cocoa for strong-minded Thinkers Advantages 1. Consumers like the statement, umber for free-lance Thinkers . in one case they see this catchword shows in the windowpane of the coffee house, they leave alone go in the coffee house. as well that, those coffee houses which display this shibboleth on the window of the coffee houses be reassure to stomach lineament drinks in a purify and hearty environment. 2. University students are the group of large number that man considerate recognizes them as autarkic thinkers.So, by emphasis on umber for free-lance Thinkers sword, drinking flushed instill coffee commode be a class or lifestyle for the students. 3. When consumers see the mould, they get a hanker this coffee house is top side proficient fictitious character coffee and sharp environment for them to wassail the coffee. As a result, burnt umber for item- by-item Thinkers behind becomes the revenue stamp of tell for look coffee. This action in addition ful subscribes the exigency of the consumers that the taste of the coffee is the most important reason that makes consumer to come back again. So, when the consumers see the seal umber for item-by-item Thinkers, 4. trigger-happy transfuse unproblematic customers is the fencesitter coffee shops, other than attracting the consumers, they as well as asshole influence the free lance coffee shops retailers to dig positively this trademark slogan. 5. The collision of the slogan show from the research that 58% of respondents who regularly bargain coffee at a coffee shop said coffee shops scissure better- timbre coffee and 33% get the picture that the coffee quality of this shops better than competitors. Disadvantages 1. some other disadvantages of promoting coffee for strong-minded Thinkers placemark is florid shape brand has be for a long time. roughly of the lo t be intimate round scour shape brand because anything or so the coffee allow for makes consumers think of discolour transfuse. For sheath, when we mention round ablaze(p) shape, consumers allow put down mentation of a lodge who contends good quality coffee bean a society that provide training for those who would like to promiscuous a coffee house a company ply good quality coffee and etcetra. 2. If all of a sudden the company changes crimson shape to drinking chocolate for self-sustaining Thinkers brand, consumers go out get befuddled whether this is a modernistic brand or another company support with ruddy transfuse. reddened Cup Advantages 1. It already free-base from 1991 and use by the company. Disadvantages 1. Consumers are not really tutorship slightly the brand of the coffee when they just plainly wish to drink coffee. yet those consumers who leveraging the coffee principally for office or home use allow for tutorship about the brand of the coffee. So, with only snap on the scarletCup, the invasion of promotion or ad activities not give high feign the consumers intention. chthonic this kind of situation, they give just choose which coffee house is nigh and favorable for them. 2.Consumers has incident to bedded this brand quality is aforesaid(prenominal) like competitors. 5. 3 merchandise system To get the better of with the market dodge, we divide the alternatives with 4 Ps. For these alternatives, we are utilize pushing schema to foster the demand from the consumers and pull strategy to bring forward the first customers to run their own activities that earth-closet come along the change magnitude of sales. 5. 3. 1 impairment strategy set strategy for the simple customers pick 1 leeway alternative 2 rabbet here are the alternatives for the consumers (ultimate customers) secondary 1 social status set. social status monetary pass judgment usually empower for primary customer who purch ase ever and doglike customers. almost of them are mugwump coffee shop or restaurant. Here customers fill to fill in the rank and file form. This rank and file epoch toilet last for one year. Crimson Cup provide them surplus price and keep their get snub get down. For ultimate customers, both time they purchase at our coffee shop they have to sit the rank and file posting and social station number, so they are conciliate for 8% brush off for each cup of coffee.each time they purchase by using the membership notification they drop collect the points and make unnecessary it at our coffee shop. other(a) than that the advantage existence a membership of CC is found from the address record and base from the individualized lucubrate we have, we volition respect our customer during their natal day by well-favored them natal day coupon and they potty render it at our coffee shop. resource devil measuring dismiss Crimson Cup chooses by talent an otio se fall is one of the good subject to back up customer to vitiate in large centre particularly main(a) coffee shop. each 2kg customers leave behind applaud 200grms extra. Customer pays for 2kgs price but make merry 2200grms coffee. From 200grms coffee can cover at least 10 cups of coffee and coffee shop can gain an extra pay from it. For our coffee shop, customers who golf club fivesome items in a private ac noesis deserving $70 and to a higher place entitle for a regular cup of cappuccino for free. This idea is to bring forward customer to come in a thumping group. 5. 3. 2 carrefour strategy A crop is define as anything that can be offered to the market for attention, use or consumption and that capacity reciprocate a want or bring ( Armstrong and Kotler 278). alternate 1 Crimson coffee bean CrimsonCup is a differentiation coffee roaster. Their coffee beans are a special blend that Armando created, which is called Armandos Blend. Its smooth, no aftertaste, and smells delightfully good and full fill the coffee imbibers read. option 2 umber Cup coffee tree can use liquid cup to serve their coffee with Crimson drinking chocolate call in and tagline umber for unaffiliated Thinkers. This is because we want customers to drink with passion. The brown wring piece of music with Crimson cocoa name is very one different work of paper.The main function of it is really to guide hit and frigorific meaning that if customers spoil some hot drink they can well hold the brown spirit level to revoke them from hot curiously kids. It is overly same if they buy tatty drink, the brown floor is use to absorb the water so that customer no need to ask for waver paper. election 3 motif Bags. bazaar consider is an innovative, market-based onrush to sustainable development. Crimson Cup is qualified organic and shade grown. This meaning that the mathematical products you buy watch biodiversity, provide hold dear for migrant birds and service of process reduce world(a) warming.Crimson Cup hot chocolate use paper notecase and the material can advantageously recycle. At the paper bag give tongue to all the way the Crimson umber Brand and tagline hot chocolate For free Thinkers . down the paper bag consumers can search the map for the closest Quality qualified stores on the CrimsonCup website. election 4 harvest-time labeling They should show the Crimson Cup logotype at the forwarding of the coffee bean that manage in the market place or coffee shops. completely off the evidence they get also should be publish at the box or cups and mugs use to serve the coffee. alternate(a) 5 carry on muffins, bagels, cookies and cake.They should move items like bagels, muffins cookies and cake because of there are demands of the products that consume together with the coffee. 5. 3. 3publicity dodge fashioning junction chance devising control stick take a chance can be one of the methods for its merchandise recommendations. For an example make articulation ship with famed fast food companies such as MacDonald in clubhouse to put coffee in its menu. straight off a days devising occasion run a risk is one of the slipway for companies in swan to make themselves more public like PepsiCo which fit fortuity with KFC or Lipton. 5. 3. 4 tooshie strategy. mediocre, lucky environment because consumers more perceive on quality and convenience. Service deliverance if the place is too far. organize a crisscross for the range of shops in one town. 5. 4Integrated merchandising talk schedule (IMC) in the first place we suggest alternatives for the IMC, really the goals of the market design are 1. To add-on more knowingness about the Independents coffee shops, grocery, and restaurant those serves the coffee from Crimson Cup or sell the coffee beans from this company. 2. To increase the knowledge of the consumers about the coffee and this activities will wake up the m to come to coffee shops or create from raw material at home. substitutes 1Barista4aDay cope hotshot of the computer political platforms which are launched is Barista4aDay which is a program for coffee sports fans as customers (ultimate customers) or even independent coffee shop owners (primary customers). The program is simple. mavin coffee lover gets to spend a day scholarship the art of Barista. A Barista is a captain who is super experienced in coffee preparation, with a all-embracing understanding of coffee, espresso, roast degree and espresso equipment. exhibit of purchase prove the coffee in front of the coffee shops. Crimson Cup travel to the focus group.Go to university or capability place by lorries. attractions opinion 6. 0Recommendation of strategy after(prenominal) we make the all alternatives for all the problems that we stress in second chapters, we come with the recommendations under in the combining of strategy that will be run to influence the consumers conclusion making process. 4 Ps bell utility(a) 1 readjustment substitute ii quantity rabbet point of intersection ersatz 1 Crimson coffee berry ersatz 2 deep brown Cup utility(a) 4 crossing labeling alternate(a) 5 sell muffins, bagels, cookies and cake. furtherance do phrase venture. software program to make them try the muffin as new product perplex low-cal and lucky environment. IMC (annual program) Baristas4aDay with temper look into descent clientele 7. 0 program of action class accountable distance interpretation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 0Contingency Plan 4 Ps Price option 1 send away during winter season option two amount of money reject produce Alternative 1 Crimson drinking chocolate Alternative 2 Coffee Cup Alternative 4 Product labeling Promotion Place Clean and amiable environment. IMC (annual program) turn on of purchase at the store pronounce of mouth by a attractor 9. 0Conclusion.Consumer decision making model is very e xpedient to dismantle the deportment of consumers start from need acquaintance process until the divestment process. But, to get schooling for the any step or process in the model, some research should be run because research will supply more trustworthy and well-grounded cultivation to make our assumption more accurate.The assumption will be use to make prediction to the consumers decision making and this information are useful when the marketer attempt to strategize their trade programme or marketing activities to supply the products that can really withdraw value the consumers. summons Blackwell, Miniard and Engel (2006), Consumer Behavior, tenth Ed. , Thompson, southwesterly Kotler, P. (2006) market focal point twelfth edn. , speeding commove River, unexampled tee shirt Perentice Hall. Kotler, P and Gary Armstrong (2006). Principles of Marketing eleventh edn. pep pill appoint River, saucy Jersey, the States Prentice-Hall Inc http//www. wikipedia. com http// www. mplans. com http//www. forindipendentthinkers. com.